Interview with Dane Schmidt from Jamestown Story
Will you guys introduce yourself for us! Include name, and favorite ice cream flavor!
“My name is Dane Schmidt and I play guitar and sing in Jamestown Story. Fav ice cream is definitely chocolate!”
How did you guys form “Jamestown Story”?
“I formed it about 9 years ago as an acoustic project, which has turned into what it is today.”
Who is your favorite band that you’ve played with?
“Probably Motion City Soundtrack, but getting to play drums while Mark Hoppus (from Blink 182) played bass and my brother played guitar was probably the biggest dream come true.”
Favorite song to sing live?
“Hmm, I’d say this new one called “All I’ve Ever Known”
Favorite cover to play?
“”Hold It Against Me” by Britney Spears”
What was it like to hear your song on a TV show?
“It was a great feeling. Super helpful for an independent like us to get that kind of exposure!”
Do you guys play pranks on each other?
“Sometimes! Nothing too spectacular though, we are old and lame : )”
Any upcoming tours?
“Not at the moment. We are currently working on finishing up our new CD, which we’re very excited about!”
Favorite concert You’ve been to?
“Probably Blink 182 when they played Somerset, WI back in the day. Or else seeing them at The Quest, which was only about a 2,000 person cap venue and we were right up at the stage.”
If you could play with anyone in concert who would it be?
“John Mayer”
What are you guys currently working on?
“A new CD : )”
Besides music, what are your other hobbies?
“I enjoy playing poker and hanging out with friends. Brandyn likes to dig holes and Twitter.”
What’s your favorite venue to perform at?
“Probably 1st Avenue or The Garage.”
How did you guys get into music?
“My parents were musicians, so my entire family plays. Just kind of went with the flow of things!”
Any chance we’ll see you guys at Warped Tour in the near future?
“Maybe walking around! Unfortunately Warped Tour doesn’t fit too well with the music we play, but it’s always fun going and checking out all the great bands playing it!”