Cover Wars: "Payphone"

Finding Maroon 5 “Payphone” covers was like trying to find something fun do to at Disney World. Everywhere I looked, there was another amazing cover, that was even better than the last. There were so many to chose from, that I had to stop at the first 5 covers I fell in love with.

Each of these five covers are fresh, original, and slightly better than the rest. Whether this is an easy or tough decision for you, we need your help!

Vote for the cover you like best. Tweet, Facebook and message everyone you know to help your favorite band or artist win!

While this Cover Wars is running, if you tweet @hrctweets with the hashtag #hrccoverwars you will automatically be entered to win signed merchandise from your favorite artist! 

Cover #1

Artist: Jamestown Story


Cover #2

Artist: Paradise Fears

(If you like this artist most check out their full Payphone article here)


Cover #3

Artist: Avery


Cover #4

Artist: GMD3


Cover #5

Artist: Eli Lieb


This cover wars ends at midnight CST on Friday, May 18th.

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  1. Eli, I follow you from the beginning of your career, I wish you the best, Emmanuel from Argentina

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