Top 5 Musical Numbers in TV Series
It’s always amazing to me when I see a comedic or dramatic actor posses an exceptional vocal talent. For years television creators and writers have showcased this aspect of their casts talent by having a musical episode. Now these musical episodes don’t always have the best plots, but they are entertaining!
Here are our top 5 musical numbers in dramatic or comedic TV series, your job is vote in the poll below, and tell us which song and performance is your favorite!
‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ – “Walk Through the Fire”
[youtube]‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – “How to Save a Life”
[youtube]‘How I Met Your Mother’ – “Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit”
[youtube]‘Scrubs’ – “Guy Love”
[youtube]‘Even Stevens’ – “We Went to the Moon in 1969”
[youtube] [polldaddy poll=6243371]
Buffy ftw!
Buffy all the way! Whedon is a genius! The musical was definitely surprising but great to watch and hear!