'So You Think You Can Dance' 6/6/2012 – Atlanta, Georgia Auditions
Who is loving Season 9 of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ so far?! I know I am! There have been so many wonderfully talented dancers already, and we’re only three weeks in! Tonight’s show took us to Atlanta, Georgia. This is the hometown of last season’s winner Melanie Moore. Debbie Allen was the guest judge this week.
First up was Audrey Case from Oklahoma. She was an interesting girl. Apparently when you sign up, you’re supposed to tell the producers something interesting or unique about yourself. She told them that she can fart with her neck, and she has never had a boyfriend. Like Nigel, I’m not sure those were the best things she could have told the producers. She is, however, a very good dancer. She received a standing ovation from all three judges. Nigel said she was “magical, like a little Tinkerbell.” And she is going to Vegas!
Next was Boris Penton from Atlanta. He is actually part of a group of three guys called Dragon House. The other two members also auditioned in Atlanta.
Boris danced hip-hop to piano music. When I first heard that I thought it sounded very interesting. I was really curious to see how it would turn out. Somehow it turned out really well. The crowd loved it. He also got a standing ovation from all three judges, as well as most of the audience. Mary commented with “I had to be trained for years, and what you did, you did this yourself. I don’t get that. You’re extraordinary.” Boris is also going to Vegas!
Joshua Alexander was next. This 18-year-old singer, guitar player and dance teacher is from Columbia, South Carolina. All I have to say about his audition is wow. I literally didn’t take my eyes off the screen during his whole audition. He is definitely going far. The judges responded simply by all three of them holding up a ticket to Vegas. I can’t wait to see what comes next from him!
So far it’s been a great start for Atlanta, everyone seems to be going through. Before they showed the next person to audition, they gave a little behind-the-scenes look at the audition process. It’s a very long process. First you have to register, and then you have to be filmed, and then interviewed. Then you wait for your actual audition.
Next up was 21-year-old karate instructor Tim Conkel, from Atlanta. He is a ten time national champion, three time international champion for karate. Wow! He started dancing his freshman year of college to get girls. He says he wants to not only be America’s favorite dancer, but America’s favorite person in general. He came in with a Selena Gomez backpack because he likes to “keep Selena with me at all times.” For his audition he danced a mixture of karate and hip-hop. He did this really cool back flip at the end that made the audience (and me) go crazy. While the judges enjoyed the performance, Nigel was sad that he didn’t see the “wax on/wax off” move. Tim did a lot of somersaults and karate stuff, but not a lot of dancing. He seems like a really cool guy though. He has that “charming boy next door quality,” like Debbie said. Nigel asked about his dance training, to which he said that he has trained in hip-hop, and took seven days of ballet. Nigel then asked him to do some ballet. He is pretty good for someone who took only seven days of ballet lessons! He is also going to Vegas.
Next up was another dancer who is really fun to watch—Jackson Alvarez from Maiden, North Carolina. He runs and DJ’s at a club where they do a lot of line dances, including the “wobble.” The judges didn’t know what the wobble is, so they pulled a bunch of people from the crowd to come up and join Jackson on the stage to show them. The judges then sent Jackson to choreography.
Janelle Isses from Birmingham, Alabama was up next. She is a belly dancer who is also trained in jazz, tap and contemporary, but likes belly dancing the best. Apparently she started learning it in church. I thought that was very interesting. However she learned to belly dance, though, she is very good at it. Nigel said that she has an incredible face when performing, and her love of the dance comes across. Mary added “you’re a star, your isolation’s are fantastic, and people just want to watch you.” Debbie said that only in America could someone come from Alabama and be a belly dancer; to which Nigel added that only in America could someone learn to belly dance in church. Janelle was then sent off to choreography.
Next to audition was Danielle Dominguez from Tampa, Florida. Her notes said that people say she’s a weird dancer, her mom and dad are in audience, and she loves bacon. They showed a video of her eating a LOT of bacon. She said she eats 11 slices of bacon a day. I don’t know why or how anyone could eat that much bacon in one day, but anyway… Danielle is a contemporary dancer who got her start by cheerleading when she was five. She is indeed a weird dancer. Her dancing was kind of robotic but smooth at the same time. She is definitely unique. Nigel thinks she would be good as one of Lady Gaga’s dancers. That might just happen, too, because Danielle was put through to Vegas!
Next up was the second member of Dragon House—Andre Rucker from Atlanta. His style was similar to Boris’, but yet different at the same time. He has some crazy talent. The crowd went crazy, just like they did for Boris. He said he was nervous, but he definitely didn’t look it. He is such an incredible and unique dancer. And he is also going to Vegas!
Cyrus “Glitch” Spencer from Atlanta was next, and is the third and final member of Dragon House. He is also really unique and fun to watch. He is very talented and good at what he does. I’m not sure how to describe his style of dance, but it’s sort of robotic mixed with hip-hop. He left the stage and danced his way to the judges table at the end. The crowd also went crazy for him, and he got a standing ovation from Mary and Debbie. Nigel commented with “you just followed a genius, and now you’ve come here and you’ve topped him!” They then gave him his ticket to Vegas. So we will get to see all three members of Dragon
House in Vegas!
The choreography section for day one of the Atlanta auditions was next. After an hour of practice, Janelle and Jackson, along with 13 others, were put through to Vegas!
And now for day two of Atlanta auditions.
First to audition was Courtney Kirby from Lutz, Florida. She has been dancing for 14 years. She learned from her grandma who was a dance teacher, and also appears to have a crush on Nigel. They brought her up to the judges table to she could see Courtney’s audition better, and she kept kissing Nigel. Courtney is a very talented dancer, with great technique. I think she could win the competition. I have no doubt that she will go very far. Before sending her off to Vegas, Mary told her “you’ve got it all.”
Asher Walker from Glade Hill, Virginia was next to audition. This hip-hop dancer said that he wants to be a back up dancer for Justin Bieber. Watching him audition, I could actually see that happening someday. Debbie said that he “took us on a journey.” He is off to Vegas!
Next up was 18-year-old George Lawrence II, from Atlanta. He is an incredible dancer. Mary said his was the best audition so far. Debbie said that “there are a few people in this world who are born to dance, and you are one of them.” He is going to Vegas!
Also going to Vegas are Abigail Ruz from Goose Creek, North Carolina; Calvin Turner, Jr. from Vegas; and Aubrey Klinger from Chicago.
Just when I was beginning to think that there would be no bad auditions in Atlanta, they finally hit a rough patch. Luckily it didn’t last too long.
Ending the rough patch of auditions was Brittany Ortner from Oviedo, Florida. I really enjoyed her audition; I think she’ll go really far. Mary said that Brittany is not quite at Melanie’s level from last season, but she believes that she definitely has a lot of potential. They sent her to choreography.
Next up were Damon Bellmon and Dion Lewis from Atlanta. They auditioned last season and were accused of ripping off their choreography from YouTube. Apparently they were trying to pay homage to the people who made the YouTube video, but it didn’t go over so well. Despite the negative feedback they received last season, they came back this season and were outstanding. They are definitely really good at what they do. The judges sent them to choreography to see how well they can dance with a girl partner instead of just each other.
After an hour of choreography, Dion did not end up making it to Vegas, but Damon did. Brittany and 13 other dancers also made it through.
That’s the end of the Atlanta auditions! Next week the show stops by my very own hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah! I personally know we have some extremely talented dancers here, so make sure you watch!
Author: Ariel Walborn