Matty Vs. Jake
On the MTV show ‘Awkward’ Jenna (Ashley Rickards) faces the same dilemma at the end of every episode: Jake (Brett Davern) or Matty (Beau Mirchoff)? No matter what the episode is about it always makes her question her decision about leaving Matty for Jake. So I did some research to find out which beau the population likes. After looking on and the ‘Awkward’ Facebook page and a few Facebook friends of mine these were the results.
Matty is your average cool guy. The man has abs that could go up against Taylor Lautner. Matty has been a permanent fixture in Jenna’s life. He’s Jenna’s first love.He also swiped her V-card at Camp. Her and Matty had the friends with benefits kind of relationship. When Jenna realized she wanted more and she didn’t want to be Matty’s secret he tried a little. Becoming friends with her friends, but he still didn’t want people knowing about their relationship. And when Matty finally realized how stupid he was being and that he loved Jenna it was too late and she had moved on.
Jake is the preppy guy. Class president in charge of every club kinda guy. When we first met Jake in season 1 he was more of a secondary character because the main focus was Jenna and Matty. But as the season went on he became more and more apart of Jenna’s life. At the very end of the season she had made her decision to be with Jake. The reason she had picked Jake and the reason behind Team Jake is that he isn’t afraid to be himself around Jenna. He isn’t afraid to hold her hand, kiss her, and be around her in public. Something Matty wasn’t giving to Jenna.
Okay now its time for my opinion. I’m 100% Team Matty.
He was Jenna’s first love and you never forget your first love. I haven’t forgotten mine. Yes, Matty screwed up and I realized he may have been too late but the guy deserves a second chance. I believe she will inevitably end up back with Matty. He’s seen the error of his ways and truly loves Jenna. Plus the man has killer abs. After seeing the premiere for this weeks episode it looks like Jake is going to find out about Matty and Jenna’s past.
Tune in to MTV every Thursday to see which one she chooses.