Cover Wars: "Human Nature"


“Human Nature” was the fifth single off Michael Jackson’s six (and most famous) album Thriller. It was released on in 1983, and reached number two on Billboard’s Hot Adult Contemporary chart, while reaching number seven on the Hot 100.”Human Nature” became MJ’s fifth Top 10 hit  off of Thriller. It is also a personal favorite song of ours at Honest Reviews Corner!

Below are the top 7 covers of “Human Nature” that we have found. Vote below for the one you like best. If you have any suggestions for a cover of this song that you love and we have missed, please leave it in the comments below. Who knows, we may even add it!

This Cover War ends Sunday, April 21st at 6pm EST.

Artist: Jon Sandler


Artist: John Flanagan & The Begin Agains


Artist: Duwende


Artist: XOXO


Artist: George Azzi


Artist: Marc Borins and Gabe


Artist: Melissa Jimenez 

[youtube] [polldaddy poll=7036683]


  1. so disappointing , melissa jimenez is probably in the lead just cause she got chris perez and his anthorache to vote 4 her , all of this performances r better then hers

  2. so disappointing , melissa jimenez is probably in the lead just cause she got chris perez and his anthorache to vote 4 her , all of this performances r better then hers

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