Exclusive Interview with Kevin From Work’s Jordan Hinson

Kevin From Work is a new comedy premiering August 12 on ABC Family. Talk Nerdy With Us chatted with one of the series stars, Jordan Hinson who plays Roxie. Here’s what she had to say about her previous series, Eureka, acting, and her new character Roxie.
You started pretty young acting in plays, what made you decide you wanted to pursue an acting career?
“It was kind of weird. I hit five years old and it was like there’s no other option. I was like ‘I want to be an actress’. My mom was like ‘Okay’ [Laughs]. We’re from El Paso and there’s not a lot of acting opportunities there. I went to audition for a play and I just loved it. So I never stopped.”
Can you tell me briefly what it was like working on Eureka?
“It was incredible. I made a whole new family. The show itself was a learning and growing experience, and I’m still best friends with Colin, Neil and Erica. I just hung out with them the other day. I feel like not only did I grow up on that show in a professional way, but I also made life-long friends there. It was such an amazing experience. We shot in Vancouver and I was thirteen when the show started . I was shell-shocked being in a different place and not knowing anyone. They just made it really easy for me.”
You’ve acted in television and you also had some films role. What would you say is your favorite medium?
“I like both for different reasons. I like film for being able to play a new character. You can’t beat the variety of characters you can play. I like television because I like developing a character and working with it for years. You learn new things about the character everyday. You start a family relationship with the people you work with when you’re on a television show. It’s already happened with the new show I’m on. I think there’s different aspects, so I think it’s really smart to do both and kind of get a feel for both of those lifestyles. I prefer television honestly.”
Can you tell us a bit about the audition process for Kevin From Work?
“I originally went in to audition for Audrey, played by Paige Spara who is better at that character than I would have been. [Laughs]. I was reading the lines and it didn’t fit. I did fine, but it just wasn’t me and the casting director was like ‘I think you might want to read for Roxie, she’s a little more up your alley’. She’s like the crazy sister, and I thought ‘This is exactly what I want’. It was the part I’ve been searching for like for a few years now. So, I got the lines and I read it. It was just an immediate connection. I think we all knew that she was more the right character for me.”
Do you bring any of your own personality to the character of Roxie?
“She’s definitely different from me. Roxie’s insane and crazy. She’s the girl who parties all night and doesn’t sleep. Everything like comes to her, she doesn’t have to work for anything. I definitely bring a lot of my own dry humor to her. It’s been fun to play such a ridiculous character.”
You’ve made the transition from drama to comedy, has it been difficult for you or easier?
“I think I’ve always been better suited for comedy. I do love drama, but you can’t beat the feeling you get when you find the right material that’s hilarious. There’s nothing better, than knowing how to work with it. Getting other actors who are so funny and opened is amazing. Comedy has been my passion. Whenever I write, I write comedy. I think I prefer comedy. It’s just more fun to me.”
Why do you think people should watch Kevin From Work? If you weren’t an actress on the show and had to encourage other people to watch, what would you say, how would you get them to watch?
“The reason I would personally watch the Kevin From Work is that it’s nothing like anything that’s ever been on ABC Family before. The humor is a little older and smart. The woman who created it, she was a producer on How I Met Your Mother and Arrested Development her name is Barbie Adler. She’s a comedic genius. McG is our Director/Producer. He’s amazing. He has great vision and a lot of success in the television world. Other than that, it’s just an amazing cast, very character based. It has very smart writing too.”
You’ve played opposite some impressive co-stars, did any of those people give you any advice that helped make your performances stronger?
“I don’t know about advice, but I’ve worked alongside people who were extremely generous from an acting standpoint. Doing a scene can be really difficult when you’re tired because it’s been a twelve-hour day. Colin from Eureka, was always so giving and patient. Whenever you can find a co-star that’s very generous in that sense, and willing to work with you, it allows the project to be its best version. It’s a team effort. Whenever you find that, it’s always such a win.”
Describe Kevin From Work in three words?
“Ensemble, becoming, and funny.”
You’ve played different types of roles, different types of characters. What would you say has been your favorite role thus far?
“Honestly, I think the one I’m shooting right now is my favorite of all of them. I’ve never played a character that I’ve had so much fun with on a daily basis. I was just talking to some people about this.
I love my characters, but this role has so much of me in her. Everyday is a new adventure of what she’s going to get herself into. I just love that aspect. I think now, this character, is the most fun I’ve ever had.”