#MCM Teen Wolf Trifecta

With Teen Wolf’s summer premiere just last week, I thought we’d shift gears a bit and take our weekly #MCM poll a step higher: Scott vs. Stiles vs. Derek.
Derek Hale is the broody, silent but deadly Alpha wolf, who took Scott under his wing to help him gain control of his recent transformation and despite Scott’s efforts to push him away, Derek remained steadfast in his teachings.
Derek: 1
Scott: 0
Stiles: 0
Which now brings us to Scott McCall, the show’s leading wolf and Beacon Hills’ lacrosse star player. When we first meet Scott he’s an unpopular bench warmer for his team but after his life altering bite, he’s Mr. Popular garnering attention from the lovely Allison Argent, who Scott uses as his anchor to help him keep his transformations in check. Isn’t that cute? Rack one up for Scotty boy!
Derek: 1
Scott: 1
Stiles: 0
Besides Allison and Derek, Scott has his loyal best friend Stiles Stilinski, who in my opinion is one of the most underrated characters of the show but that’s neither here nor there. Often overlooked, next to his popular best friend, Stiles is quite possibly the heart of the show, constantly bringing Scott back to reality and trusting him, despite the risks it often puts him in. Let’s be real, they’re a true BroTP.
Derek: 1
Scott: 1
Stiles: 1
Going off of that, Stiles usually takes a backseat to Scott, especially when it comes to girls but he doesn’t let that get in his way. He’s all about his heart and following it wherever it may lead him…for instance keeping a banshee safe from harm, even if it means possibly going deaf from her shrieks and they say chivalry is dead!
Derek: 1
Scott: 1
Stiles: 2
This doesn’t however mean that our other two leading men aren’t romantic. They’re both quite the romancers in their own way. Scott’s unwavering love for Allison (despite her father) is one for the books, a modern day Romeo and Juliet if you will and in the end, despite both ending up with different people, they still loved each other enough to respect one another’s decisions. So you go Scott!
Derek: 1
Scott: 2
Stiles: 2
As for Derek, he’s had quite a past, the person who stole his heart (amongst other things) just so happened to be Kate Argent, werewolf hunter and aunt to dearest Allison (may she rest in peace). Derek may have allowed himself to get swept up and manipulated by Kate’s womanly wiles but deep down we know he acted out of love and genuinely believing she cared for him, we can’t blame him for getting tied up (literally), can we?
Derek: 2
Scott: 2
Stiles: 2
Speaking of love, can we talk about Scott’s love for his mama? After his parents divorced, Scott did his best to step up as the man of the house, helping his mom in every way possible. There’s nothing more perfect than a son’s unconditional love for his mother.
Derek: 2
Scott: 3
Stiles: 2
Scott isn’t the only one with unconditional love for a parent though, throughout the show we see Stiles protecting his father, the town’s sheriff, along with those he cares for the most. Sometimes mistaken for being annoying, Stiles is actually insanely intelligent, cracking codes and solving the toughest of problems bringing the entire Scooby Gang closer to finding out what’s causing trouble in Beacon Hills that week.
Derek: 2
Scott: 3
Stiles: 3
A reoccurring theme we see throughout the show is the moral compass between right and wrong. More times than not, our characters are thrown into high stake situations resulting in having to pick the lesser of two evils, often creating rifts between Derek and Scott. Which in the end is the reason Scott broke away from Derek’s pack and became an Alpha himself, due to Derek’s inability to reason and take a higher road.
Derek: 2
Scott: 4
Stiles: 3
Finally, despite Derek’s egotistical and sometimes selfish actions, he’s loyal as all hell when it comes to his pack. Even when him and Scott clash, he’s there for his fellow wolves. He understands that their key to survival is to be there for each other, same pack or not, they’re family and after losing all of his, they’re all he has left.
Derek: 3
Scott: 4
Stiles: 3
So who do you think is truly the leader of the pack in Beacon Hills? Dorky and lovable Stiles, broody and protective Derek or passionate and moral Scott? Vote below and tweet us your answer!
Also not mentioned above but for your viewing pleasure, see below 🙂
[polldaddy poll=8967064]