Tribute to Winston Graham Author of Poldark

Winston Graham was an English author who is best known to British and American readers as the writer of the Poldark series of novels. He passed away June 10, 2003 but will always be remembered for introducing the world to Ross Poldark.
Winston Graham was born June 30, 1908 in Manchester. His first novel was published in 1934. He was also the author of Marnie which became a popular film by Alfred Hitchcock.
Graham’s first Poldark novel Ross Poldark was published in 1945 and his last Poldark novel Bella Poldark in 2002.
Poldark was adapted by BBC into a television series that aired on Masterpiece Theatre in the 1970s. A remake currently airs on PBS Sundays at 9:00.
On this, the 12th anniversary of Winston Graham’s death I want to pay homage to him for his contributions to literature. I also offer my thanks for giving the world Ross Poldark.