Commander Lexa: There Was Never Any Weakness in You

“In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.”
There are major spoilers for ‘The 100’, Episode 7 ‘Thirteen’ in this article.
Ever since Alycia Debnam-Carey swept across the Internet and stole the hearts of many with her spellbinding portrayal of Commander Lexa, a huge proportion of The 100 fanbase have been overwhelmed by her casting. Whether you liked Lexa or not, Debnam-Carey’s subtlety in portraying an array of emotion encased in a placid mask of authority and power is intense; the regal body posture and the tone of her commands compared to the gentility with which she speaks to Clarke; the flicker of horror in her eyes as she finds Indra after the Hakeldama massacre and the forced swallow of emotion when Clarke pushes all her buttons in ‘Bodyguard of Lies’, to a point where Clarke overwhelms her carefully crafted fortress and shatters it into something vulnerable, something soft—as Lexa confesses: “not everyone…not you.” Debnam-Carey exerts a torrent of emotion, magnetically drawing you into her character with sheer artistry, charisma and real heart, real passion. Beyond ‘Fear the Walking Dead’, which is already an immense success, Debnam-Carey’s future is set to rise exponentially—up to the constellations, if you will, for her talent is so mature and well-crafted for someone so young.
“Thank you to those who banded together to create an incredible and inspiring character. She could have never burst into fruition without such a flux of creativity, passion and collaboration that extends greater than a singular autonomy of my own. To the writers, directors, crew – hair, makeup, costumes, stunts, actors and Jason who helped me capture her essence. Thank you to all the fans for bringing her further to life, your passion is everything. It has been an honour to portray her. To envelop myself in her skin. To be given the freedom to represent a moment in our cultural and social zeitgeist – she has left a great imprint on me. I will miss her. May we meet again. X“
It doesn’t matter if you ‘ship’ Clarke and Lexa or not, or if you ‘ship’ any other ‘ship’. Debnam-Carey’s widely, critically acclaimed performance as Lexa was something magical to behold. And I’m not here to talk about ‘ships’. I’m not even really here to talk about the cop-out death (a legendary warrior who single-handedly duelled with Prince Roan and won gets killed by a stray bullet? Okay…). I’m here to say this: Debnam-Carey’s Lexa is one that will go unforgotten by many. She wasn’t simply just another fictional character. People related to Lexa; people admired her, and loved her, and respected her. People felt represented. People felt.
Masses of lesbian viewers looked up to Lexa. On a show that claimed to push boundaries—or at least, they pushed the same-sex couple—I am so unspeakably sorry for every single viewer promised the hope of good LGBT representation and found it crushed within fifteen minutes. Did they perhaps stop to consider that in killing off a prominent LGBT character in the clichéd way they did, it wouldn’t upset the LGBT community? That it wasn’t a massive show of disrespect for arguably one of the show’s most popular heroes to be killed in such a soap-opera fashion? I don’t think this argument will ever be as simple as ‘well, everyone dies on The 100! We’re a really dark! DARK SHOW!’ this is a matter of representation. This is a matter of those thousands and thousands of viewers who empathized with Lexa, who wanted an LGBT character to be treated justly and with honor and valiance—and received the opposite.
If I had to simplify it: a lesbian was shot because her father-like figure was trying to protect her from her love, Clarke. None of this is about ‘shipping’ or the ridiculous ‘ship wars’ that spiralled out-of-control on social media. This is about the constant rejection of same-sex couples, the constant reminder than same-sex couples can never achieve happiness for more than ten minutes, that they will always be cast aside and hurt by the ones they trust. TV has changed now. For many viewers, it does reflect real-life, and watching Lexa’s death was just another reminder of that: Lexa went against Titus’ advice about loving Clarke, and he tried to punish Clarke for it, only to wind up killing Lexa. On a show that had so much promise in offering hope to this diminished community, they absolutely tore that notion apart. This minority group got kicked in the dirt. I wish I was exaggerating, but I’ve seen the responses to Lexa’s death and I’ve seen also the responses to Lexa’s character as a whole; I’ve seen tweeters say Lexa changed their lives.
Some of the fan reactions to Lexa’s death. This is beyond just losing half of a ‘ship’; it was never about a ‘ship’. I’ve blacked out twitter handles and icons for the respecting the individuals’ privacy, but these tweets are only among a few that are very much like it and equally cheated and devastated.
If the LGBT community feels (rightfully so, if I may state my opinion) as if they have just been shunted by this, if they’ve been left out to rot, then who is anybody to tell them to feel differently? Who is anybody to tell someone to simply carry on and not be devastated? There will be some who understandably give up with the show; there’ll be some who carry on. That’s up to the viewer to decide—not anybody else. Some may say akin to: “well you’re not a true fan if you don’t carry on” but that isn’t the point of somebody’s decision. The point is, is that Lexa was representation; Lexa was a character people aspired to, admired, respected, adored, saw themselves in…and they are losing that in her cheaply-written death. This isn’t just about having a favorite character killed off, or having part of a ship dead—this is grieving that once more, LGBT representation was dangled and teased in front of the viewer and was ripped away unapologetically by the writers. To anyone who tries to dictate what someone should and shouldn’t watch, especially in a delicate situation like this—it’s disgraceful.
I can’t delve into the plot aspects of Lexa’s demise because there’re so many plot strands still left hanging (how does the Flamekeeper get chosen? Why don’t all the Nightbloods have ALIE v2 inside them? Why was there all this talk of a civil war only for Lexa not to die in battle but from an accidental bullet? Oh wait—) but I will say this: Lexa’s character, her revolutionary status, her generosity, her kindness, her understanding and her intelligence is an imprint forever left on the show. You may say that she’s all those things because she had an AI worming around inside her—but if anything that argues the opposite. Lexa was different to every single commander that became before her. She was the first to forge a coalition, the first to listen to perspective, the first to desire peace, not war, and as Becca says—she hopes the ALIE2 will learn to co-exist with humanity to learn of humanity’s best interests, its morals and its goods and bads. If anything, Lexa’s intense loyalty and devotion to her people, her trademark altruism and her great capacity to love taught ALIE2 the greatest.
Her love for Clarke was always hidden, always kept secret because perhaps of the fear enemies would use that against her. Clarke and Titus (and Murphy, I guess) were the only ones there who saw the extent of that. The only one who understood the weight of Clarke’s burden was Lexa. The only one who supported her, guided her and silently, never judged her, was Lexa. And now she’s gone there isn’t anyone who can fill that void. Lexa was never a revolutionary from the start of the season. Lexa was a revolutionary from the very moment she became the commander. Seeking peace instead of war between the twelve clans, she held a legendary status as a commander who managed to actually do that—even as she angrily reminds Titus, among a villainous Nia who sent Costia’s head in a box to her bed—and hold it. Clans prospered and bettered for it, and so did Polis.
Lexa angrily reminds Titus: “Azgeda cut off Costia’s head and delivered it to my bed, and still I let them into my alliance! I am more than capable of separating feelings from duty!”
She was strong-willed, stubborn, ferocious, observant and intelligent. She was patient. Even when she knew Nia had staged a coup against her, she waited until Nia played her ace until she stepped up to the challenge (and won). She waited—”it takes as long as it takes”—by Mount Weather. She waited for Clarke, residing in Polis as her anger and resentment and bitterness faded into streams of forgiveness and understanding. She never pushed Clarke. She remained political and professional, never expecting anything more, never perhaps thinking she deserved anything more—but was happy to keep Clarke safe in Polis, to the best of her ability. She listened to Clarke’s advice, sometimes taking it onboard, sometimes calling her out for hypocrisy. She remained a powerful leader, an understanding, calm and merciful individual—and someone who I think would’ve waited forever for Clarke Griffin if she could. But forever doesn’t exist on The 100, as Lexa’s brief moment of well-earned, unexpected happiness and contentment lasted mere minutes before she was shot to death.
If all we can do, like Clarke, is remember Lexa for everything that she was—good and bad—then that’s what I’ll endeavour to do, because I’m not entirely sure The 100 will recognize her death and grant it honor at all. Lexa was merciful. She let Clarke kill Finn knowing she’d just saved him from the violent Grounder tradition; she stopped her enraged army from charging at Clarke with a mere, upturned palm. She blockaded Arkadia with the twelve armies, to kill any stray Arkadians within five miles. She never spoke of bombarding Arkadia with sieges; she never spoke of squads sneaking into the establishment to kill every Sky person within there. She let Arkadia decide for themselves what they’d do: give up a genocidal monster or stick to their xenophobic guns. Now Lexa’s gone, I wonder if Arkadia will suddenly learn why Lexa was commander and how her mercy has kept them alive thus far.
Together, they hoped to bring justice. Together, they hoped to bring peace. For all that’s happened between Clarke and Lexa, the pair are joined in their desire to quell the fighting and wars.
She was a radical, a revolutionary, and she was different. She extended peace to Nia after Costia’s execution. She envisioned a future for the Grounders in which they’d prosper and grow, advance as a society; she sought to leave peace as her legacy, not blood. She was willing to negotiate and extend peace to the Skaikru, even though they’d already killed three hundred of her warriors in a ring of fire. She was a utilitarian who could look ahead and sacrifice TonDC along with Clarke, for the bigger picture. She was the ultimate pillar of altruism: all she wanted was the best for her people, her people that now included Clarke. Her life was the coalition, but her life was one she spent altruistically crafting that everyone else’s standard of living should grow as this coalition plowed ahead. She was selfless in so many ways. In letting Clarke reside as her guest in Polis even after Clarke had tried to kill her; in painstakingly betraying Clarke at Mount Weather for the good of her people (whom, as we are seeing in season three, are vast and plentiful). She was honorable and dutiful, fending for herself when Nia threw down the single combat challenge with Roan as her representative: Lexa refused to let anyone else fight for her.
Nia issues Lexa with a single combat to the death, throwing her son Roan as her combatant. Lexa will not let anyone fight for her—and certainly not to the death.
She loved. She loved her people to the point she forgave a treacherous coup; to the point where she betrayed her personal love Clarke in the season two finale. She loved Costia. And she loved Clarke. She loved so greatly. Not once did Lexa lose her politically superior position as commander in front of her; not once did she devalue herself as a commander because of this love—but she listened to Clarke and she changed some of her values, her morals, because of her. Much like Clarke unconsciously did this last season, when she committed genocide to save her people. “Victory stands on the back of sacrifice”, perhaps a small voice said in her head. But Lexa never gave Clarke a free pass. When Clarke was being a hypocrite about Emerson, Lexa unapologetically called her out for it. Yet Lexa listened as Clarke pled to her peacemaking side: blood must not have blood. Lexa learned that life could be more than just surviving. Lexa dared to hope that one day, she wouldn’t have to owe anything to her people. Lexa knew when to hold back, as shown in the ‘Bodyguard of Lies’ kiss, and in the ‘Thirteen’ scene when Clarke initially kissed her. Lexa pulled back as if to ask—”are you sure?” She didn’t move and push Clarke until Clarke gave in. She did what she’d done all along. Wait and hope, and if that exacted to nothing, then so be it—except, this time, it resulted in a brief dash of a safe haven for both of them.
Lexa says later: “You were right, Clarke. Life is more than just about surviving.”
And she was brave, so brave until the very end. In the end, she didn’t die to keep peace; she didn’t die in battle; she didn’t die a hero’s death; she died for nothing. Yet she forgave Titus immediately, making him swear he’d never hurt Clarke again, pleading that he’d teach the next chosen Commander as well as he’d taught her. She extended reassurance to Clarke (“Don’t be afraid”), as Clarke, shaking and devastated and stunned by the inevitability of the situation, stubbornly tried to save her life.
Not once did she ask Clarke if she loved her. Not once did she ask Clarke if she was forgiven. It didn’t need to be verbalized, in my opinion, but even in her death, Lexa never made it about her. She made sure Clarke had the protection she needed, that Titus would serve the next Commander as well as he served her, and as Clarke tearfully struggled through the “may we meet again” passage and kissed her, Lexa was at peace. She’d already accepted that there was nothing Clarke could do to save her life. If her legacy could live on through a wise Commander and be guided as astutely as she was, and if Clarke was just there…the combination of the two meant Lexa didn’t die in pitiful agony. It meant she died with a graceful peace on her face, the two loves sworn to be looked after: Clarke and her people. Lexa made it so she still left something special and pure in her legacy even as she died. Lexa made sure in her dying moments she would protect the ones she loved.
Lexa tries to reassure Clarke: “The next commander will protect you”, but Clarke, crying, confesses: “I don’t want the next commander. I want you.”
I cannot deny the unfathomable hurt that must tremor through Lexa’s fanbase at this episode and the unfair, soap-opera-ish way she was killed off. I honestly wish I could reach out to all affected and just send a fanbase-wide hug because there was no doubt that in losing Lexa, the show lost one of its most compelling and complex characters. To be presented with the hope of good representation, for once, is like stardust; to hold out that hope and for it to be ripped away is painful. I can only applaud Alycia Debnam-Carey, Eliza Taylor and Neil Sandilands’ performances in that heartbreaking scene as they desperately try to save Lexa. Clarke’s pain, ricocheting from within her, was devastating to watch play out by the always captivating Taylor. And Debnam-Carey…if there was one actress who could convincingly play out that scene with so much heart, so much love and devotion and grace—it is Alycia Debnam-Carey.
To a happier (brief) time when the pair succumbed to their passions and let themselves be free, be happy, for a moment of blissful solace
Through this lineage of Commanders, there’s never been one that has been as peace-seeking and visionary as Lexa was. Considering the plotline of ALIE2 co-existing with humanity in order to learn of its best interests and morality, nobody painted a better scope of humanity and mercy and kindness than Lexa kom Trikru did. Nobody was so painfully human, nobody’s heart beat so ferociously for her people, for Costia, for Clarke—as Lexa’s did. I can truly believe and say that nobody will have taught ALIE2 a better lesson in morals and humanity than Commander Lexa did, and if that is the legacy she leaves—a legacy in which her Nightbloods are trained to be pillars of wisdom, compassion and strength, a legacy in which the next Commander strives for peace just like she did—then as Lexa will forever live on in The 100-verse, I hope and I know she will live on forever in our hearts as a brave, fallible, complex, patient and loving Commander. As a girl raised in a world ravaged by war, only to uphold peace the moment she stepped up to the position. As a woman who believed love was a weakness, only to accept that it never was, and to ensure that her beloved would always be protected even after her death.
For all the layers and sides to Lexa, a consistency remained: she was never afraid.
Lexa was a warrior, a leader, and absolutely deserving of the legendary status that befell her among the Grounders. She was noble, proud, strong-willed and powerful. She was compassionate, intelligent, quick-witted and tender. She loved, so greatly, and finally stopped suppressing it. She was brave until the very end. As someone who is merely a fan and has been immensely affected by Commander Lexa too, as someone who felt as if they’d just been slapped in the face and lost a friend—I feel for every single devastated one of you. And I hope that in the face of this tragic loss, we can be as brave, selfless and loving as Lexa was until the very end. That we can ste yuj. I admit I’m not faring well in that area—I bawled my eyes out—and I’d never dream of telling anyone how to feel about losing a character they admired, respected and looked up to.
Commander Lexa deserved better. Clarke deserved better. They discovered more, in their promising journey of idealistic visions of peacekeeping and the tender blossoming of their intimate relationship. They deserved more than one moment of happiness and solace, free from their duty-laden world. In Lexa’s wildly successful achievements, ‘forging a coalition’ may be a phrase overused but she saved humanity in doing so; she stopped humanity from ripping itself apart. But no matter the circumstances, Commander Lexa was the exemplary human being, and whilst I cannot shake this horrible grief away, I can only thank Alycia Debnam-Carey for her powerhouse performance and for Lexa kom Trikru’s valiant selflessness until the very end. So long as her spirit will live on forever, so will the character within every Lexa fans’ hearts. Yu gonplei ste odon, Commander Lexa—you will never be forgotten, and your impact on The 100 fanbase never lessened. Mochof, heda.
Wow! I never thought I would care so much about a fictional character but weirdly enough I do. I will never get over how stupid Lexa’s death was, mere minutes after she was so happy… I feel played. Yes, it is an emotional response but I do feel played by the show, especially considering how Jason leaked the scenes shot in Vancouver. They wanted the fandom to keep hoping even after Lexa’s death. It was cruel. There was no reason to build up the romance the way they did when they knew there was no chance to explore the relationship. And then kill her by a stray bullet. How ridiculous. In the end love was weakness and wanting peace will get you killed. I’m so heartbroken. What a bizarre message.
That been said, yes, Alycia Debnam-Carey, what a powerhouse. I can only wish you the most amazing career! You deserve the best. This girl is going places and I’m going to follow her everywhere even if I have to deal with stupid zombies.
Btw, I was crying so hard when I first read this that I forgot to actually thank you, Nicola, for this amazing article.You really understood Lexa, thank you for caring about us and taking your time to show your respect for our loss.
And then reading everybody’s comments here I just cried again. It will be hard to recover from another ridiculous death of a lesbian character. At least we have our community.
Absolutely no problem. And indeed, ever since that episode the “#leskru” have been doing fantastic work. The fundraiser for the Trevor Project as I’m sure everyone and their dog’s heard about is honestly so heartwarming. To fish something so positive and lifesaving out of such a disaster is so indescribably great of Lexa’s fans. It really really is. Bless your soul. I hope you are feeling better today. *Hug* Thank you for reading.
I burst into tears again reading this. I’m truly devastated, Lexa meant so much to me.
I’m sorry it made you cry 🙁 *hugs* I hope all is well with you now (sorry this response is so belated–I couldn’t get round to all comments in one go), I’m here if you need to vent at me. Wish I could offer you more support, my friend. All the very best to you, take care. X
Eliza was casting shade on the fandom this morning about how she forgot to watch it last night so she’ll watch it on hulu which was an obvious plug for the site she continued to cast shade on Clexa by teasing “I have a box of tissues ready”. Tissues, because it was sad. Maybe she thinks it’s innocent teasing. ugh.. Lexa’s death was not sad. We are not sadden by this. We are hurt. Her death was painful. She doesn’t get it. Non of them get it.
I think she was actually shading Jason. There is not much she can do but Jason is always saying people should watch the show live and Eliza made sure to tell us she didn’t. And then she said the response from fans was amazing when everybody was angry and hating Jason. I think she was very supportive of the fans but she couldn’t really say it out in the open.
We were bless with Eliza and ADC. A match made in heaven.
Thank you both for commenting!
Indeed, an actress’ life is difficult sometimes. But you are right: both Alycia and Eliza made Clarke and Lexa work so well. Their chemistry was just insanely off the charts. A moment’s bliss may be all we can take, but the fandom powering through is very touching right now!
Thank you for writing this.. your writing never disappoints me. I am a fan of both the shows you cover (poi mostly) and i cannot believe the audacity and the smugness of the writers in saying that theyre being progressive and being so smug when they just killed their lesbian character in the tropiest, most cliched way possible, it was disgraceful and Im glad Jasons losing followers on twitter because he knew this all along, he doesnt understand the impact of this on the LGBT community at all, as hes proven, and neither does Javi. absolute disgrace of a show. this article on the other hand was gorgeous and sensitively written, I loved that you included the viewpoints of the LGBT community and considerred them, and told them that you would never try to dictate what they’d feel (I feel like the 100 writers could learn a lesson or two from you), a great article as always, you are truely skilled !
Thanks for your comment. In all fairness now a week later I think Javi is perhaps trying to understand. It is difficult, I think one most pertain, to try to open up and understand when, for example, you have never been in a vulnerable LGBT teenager’s shoes. But I think it is important and brilliant to see more and more people trying to. It can only be positive. Thank you for your kindness, and no, never in any way could I tell someone how to feel. I think that is extremely callous and rather inconsiderate (very much so, in fact). Thank you once more, and I hope you are well!
I’m going to save my madness at Jason and the writers because I dont want to bring that negativity to your comments section, because your article was so beautiful.
Not only did you validate the lgbt communitys feelings by actually mentoning and considering us, and never telling us how to feel but simply being there for us, was amazing, and when you explored all the complexities that make up lexas character I burst into tears all over again. Its a true sign of how amazing a writer you are when you can make someone feel like that, and be so sensitive and gentle with us, thank you so much for this tribute, this was exactly the kind of tribute Lexa deserved, and as for the LGBT mention, youk now what, ive read so many reviews from other ‘reputable websites’ about this episode and barely any of them, maybe one did, mentioned the lgbt community and delved into it quite like you did. They just don’t get it and neither do the writers. God bless you, Nicola, you have a true talent and a true widened perspective of whats going on and i hope you get all the praise you deserve for this article, thank you so much.
Ah indeed! Thank you Kayleigh for your lovely comment. As I said to Paula I would never dream of dictating how anyone should feel. I am only 22 and I haven’t been there for generations of viewers fallen to this trope, and thus I have a lot to learn–I am trying my best but I think I have a long way to go, so thank you for your lovely words, and I do try to understand but I think as I’ve just said, I am on that journey. Thank you, and I think as the week has gone on there’s certainly been outlets that have reported on the backlash and become aware of the Trevor Project fundraiser too, so that is amazing 🙂 I hope you are well, and thank you–and apologies for the belated response!
This was the article i think i needed. Im not going to lie, I cried when i read it. I just couldn’t bear it. But this was by far the most beautiful tribute to Lexa i have ever read on any platform. And bonus kudos to you because you are truly one of the only people on any platform to acknowledge the impact that this has had on the LGBT community. I agree with Nate. We’re not just sad because one of our favorite characters died. We’re hurt. We got totally mistreated and misled, they pushed Lexa as a real character and a main one too and they knew all along they were going to kill her off in a disgusting, dishonorable way yet none of them have even apologized or acknowledged the LGBT community on twitter, so thank you for that. I loved your eulogy, as someone said above it was sensitive and mature beyond your years. Whatever you write for whatever fandom you have a fan in me because you are 100% a natural born writer. Thank you for this, so much, this was what we needed, a celebration of Lexas attributes, a recognition of the lgbt community and so much more. With the gif making and the prose you could tell you put so much heart into this article and i could feel your pain on the end of it too. This was beautiful thank you Nicola
Ah I’m sorry to hear that Jenn *hug* I hope you are okay now! Indeed I think we did need a celebration of such, because I think Lexa, as you say, meant the world to so many. I think it’s safe to say a lot of people were inspired and adored by this character, and thus to have a eulogy as such only seemed fitting and fair. I do understand you’re hurt, but please don’t forget the positivity of Lexa’s character and her amazing attributes. I’d never tell you to stop hurting or, my worst enemy, to “get over it” (ugh) but indeed I hope you feel better this week. If you are not, always feel free to contact me, or maybe your friends or even the Trevor Project: we’re all here to listen. Thank you Jenn, and take care. X
I’m a 21 year old college student and I cried so hard when Lexa died, and when I read your article I cried so hard again. This was an amazing read and an amazing tribute to Lexa. This was exactly what she deserved and with the downhill slide of The 100’s quality and its lack of progressiveness at all, I doubt she’ll get quite the tribute like this one. This article is incomparable to anything else I’ve ever read and you are one of maybe one or two writers who have actually acknowledged the queer community’s feelings about this, and considered them and been so sensitive and moving with it, not once were you condescending us (like the writers have been on twitter) and I really appreciate that. Thank you for being so considerate, sensitive, mature about this situation and writing another fantastic article. You’re so gifted in this area, that you can make any article readable and gorgeous and enticing to read. I’m still so devastated by Lexa’s fate but articles like this make me believe that there are real decent humans still in this world, especially when you took the lgbt community to heart. Thank yon Nicola.
*Hugs* Me too, Olly, me too. Thank you for your kind words. I do hope she gets some kind of honourable tribute (I mean come on, the first commander to unite 12 clans, welcomes the Sky People, forms an alliance with the executor of her ex-love, strives for peace…) but I do ponder a little cautiously. Thank you for your awesome words, I’m very humbled and very undeserving–there are some excellent writers on this website, and I have a long, long way to go. But thank you, and I hope you’re feeling better this week! I’m a student too and maaaan, I’m so slacking on uni work, lol. Eek. X
i take back what i said…THIS is my favorite article of yours. this was just everything that we needed. i have to admit like some others i cried reading this but you covered all bases. you gave possibily one of the most brilliant eulogies to one of the most fantastic characters i have EVER seen on the show, and knowing The 100, they are just going to skim over her death. i am so sick of The 100 and their mass murders and their inconsiderateness of individual pain and loss, and theyre going to do the same to lexa, im so done with it. but this article was so beautiful and tender, and you didnt tell us how to feel, i really felt you sympathize and empathize with us, i felt your hurt too, as well as mine. my favorite part was you acknowledging the lgbt community. even the professional reviewers just don’t get it. but you do. thank you. <3
*Hug* Ah Hannah I hope you are okay. Certainly did not mean to make anybody cry with this! Thank you for your kindness. You make a very good critical point about these mass-murders and the blotting out of individual pain. I do find it very worrying–I mean, it hasn’t happened on all occasions (e.g. Clarke and Mount Weather) but certainly the recent genocide bugs me a lot. I haven’t seen episode eight so actually I don’t know yet. But thank you for your kind words. I do indeed sympathise and empathise because Lexa’s death hurt me too–but to try and do that to everyone is hard and I think impossible, but I’m still trying to learn more about the history of this trope and its prevalence. I’ve done some research and it is indeed quite alarming. So I do hope in the future I will have broader, better scope and understanding of this. Thank you Hannah, I hope you are well this week. X
I have no words: just thank you.
Thank you for being so kind and generous and considerate in this raw situation.
Thank you for giving Lexa the most wonderful tribute i have ever seen.
Thank you for sharing your writing talent with us. We are undeserving of you. You are so mature in your writing and so clever, even when you slip in funny bits in your article but with this it just felt like a humble, genuine eulogy and recognition (finally!) of the betrayed lgbt community on The 100. so much for ‘ground breaking show’. its so, so not and im so mad not just because of killing Lexa but the manner they did it. They reduced her death to a plot device by having it explain ALIE 2. Its ridiculous,. Just when you think the lgbt community can be happy…
Whats more disgusting is that Jason and the writers were all so self satisfied by the progressiveness of their show and that Clexa as a ship was progressive when in reality all they did was reduce her to death by the most cliche of manners, they gave her hope and happiness for 10 minutes and then they killed her.
Thank you for doing this wonderful character justice and for finally bringing up the hurt within the lgbt community.
Thank you, Joselyn, for your kindness. I think with your compassion and empathy, a certain ‘heda’ would be proud 🙂 I do try I think to slip in lighter bits and mix up the tone (to a certain point–the last thing I want is for a eulogy to turn into a joke) because I think as there can only be so much darkness in the world there can only be so much darkness in an article, in a book, in a film, on TV. There surely has to be a glimmer of hope somewhere, and I wouldn’t want to rob anything of that. Thank you for your compliments; I am humbled and undeserving of them! But I’m glad you liked the article and I am so sorry that you are hurt. I think a lot of people are and a lot of people would empathise. I hope you feel better this week and that you take care. As ever I am a listening ear if not. Thank you. X
you took a really mature approach to a situation that could’ve easily gone up in flames, and you could’ve written a bitter, angry article about this (I would’ve, if i was a writer) but instead you chose to give us something unique, respectful and special in both recognizing the pain of the queer fanbase and also in the gorgeous tribute you paid to lexa and all those attributes, as you state good and bad, that made her so compelling to watch. i totally agree with you, she may have suppressed her feelings and believed ‘love is weakness’ for so long but arguably lexa is one of the most human of them all in how much she loves, we know she loves clarke, but she also loves her people so much too. this was so gorgeous and The 100 have lost one of their most compelling characters. the only ones who interest me remotely are Clarke, Octavia, Kane, Indra and Abby. Everyone else is just garbage.
It is truly wondrous how mature I can be sometimes when actually I’m literally 100% goober 😛 But jokes aside: thank you Jonas. I do utterly respect the LGBT fanbase not just of this show but of many shows. Over this week I’ve learnt of so many fanbases that have fallen to this trope and my heart just goes out to them. I’ve learnt I can’t quite empathise with all, because I haven’t felt it all–but I do sympathise and I hope that doesn’t come off as fake. For this show, indeed, i do agree–she is so painfully human, and that’s what hurts–for someone who is trained to be above that, how can you help it when you have one ferociously beating heart encased in a very human body? Thank you for your kind words Jonas 🙂
Incredible. I’m a grown man and I cried at that scene and I cried at this article. I couldn’t believe it. Lexa was my favorite character by miles and you summed it up amazingly in this article too. I’ve never been so emotionally effected by words, and you’ve done that. I am a straight, white male and I can’t speak for any of the LGBT+ community but as others have expressed their gladness in you mentioning it, and from the stuff I’ve read, not many outlets have explored that area too. I real so, so sorry for the fans that have been duped by Jason Rothenberg and his writers by promises of being progressive when this has proven they’re the exact opposite of progressive. They’re cliched idiots who can’t story-tell. Thank you for this again, your flexibility and skill in writing articles amazes me. From your aggressive pinpoint fight analysis to this gentle and sensitive eulogy, all your writing is beautiful and commands attention. I have also started watching Person of Interest as per your articles as it seemed interesting and it’s so good! I’ve just finished season 2 now and looking forward to the rest. Root is gloriously amazing. Thank you for your contributions, I hope you write a lot more for The 100 but as a fan I’m disenchanted by the show 100% and I don’t blame you if you are too, I’m so happy with your Person of Interest article and hope to catch up to all seasons soon!
*Hug* Thank you Jon. I think you’ll find a lot of agreement there–Lexa was a LOT of people’s favourite characters, and honestly, I had no idea until Twitter exploded (well, it has been exploding the entire week) about this situation, so I understand it’s still sensitive. It is amazing to see more and more “allies” speak up and understand, or try to understand and learn, about or from the LGBT community. I think its so commendable and brave, and so incredibly–you know, the pinnacle of humanity and kindness. Thank you Jon. You are wonderful!
“In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.” – When Clarke delivered this line, so brokenly, I cried, and I cried just as hard reading your article. This was moving, sensitive, considerate, mature, clever, beautiful and all encompassing in regards to Lexa. This is single handedly the best one I have read post 3×07 and I’ll probably never watch the show again, I’ll still read your articles and Im going to start PoI soon as well so i can still keep up with what you write. Thank you for this.
It was much needed. I can’t believe how inconsiderate the writers and official news outlets have been about the LGBT community. Its like they dont care at all – like Jason rothenberg
Thank you Rachel. You know when the show delivers touching and moving passages like that, I do think: blimey, this show has some gorgeous dialogue sometimes. It does indeed tip quite ferociously between good and bad, as many critics have pointed out (most blatantly Mo Ryan, and the AV Club). Thank you, I’m so sorry to hear you cried–I hope you’re feeling better this week. Anything you need or if you wish to vent, my twitter is open. X
Thank you for this article. I’ve just read all your other ones too and I’m so glad you’re a Person of Interest fan because right now they have and probably always have had the best representation in nearly all areas. They’ve never made promises they don’t keep either. I really needed this today. I cried so much when Lexa died and then when i read this article. Yours is the only one Ive read apart from a Variety article that actually addresses the queer community. As a lesbian myself I couldnt have felt more validated and genuinely included in an article like this when you spoke so kindly and lovely about it, thank you for that. You are unique in your writing style and so gifted and I cant wait to see more from you especially for POI!
Oh maaaaaaan I really need a POI airdate like fifty years ago. CBS, what you playin’ at bruv?! But thank you for your kind words. I think everyone was rocked to the core by Lexa’s death–I saw people who didn’t even watch the show, who were horrified that she’d been killed off like that. I am very glad to hear that–I think my no.1 intention was always to honour Lexa in this article but in doing so I couldn’t ignore the LGBT community, so affected and so hurt. I hope my words did some justice, but I do understand I have a long, steep road ahead of me in terms of learning and understanding, and so I’ll do my best. I guess I have to research more into media and LGBT rep from what I already know. Thank you for your praises, and indeed, I cannot wait for more POI myself–you know, most importantly that darn airdate…! I hope you are well, thank you June. X
thank you. thank you SO MUCH for this article. i think the fandom as a whole needs to see this. you’re right on every point you make. NONE of this was about shipping. NONE of this was about lexa dying. it was about the way it affected our community, the way the showrunners bragged about their program being progressive when its absolutely not, the way they will most certainly dismiss the grief of lexa’s death in about 1-2 episodes like they always do, like everyone forgot about finn, like bellamy suddenly forgot 1.5seasons and become an asshole. this show is so rushed and skims over everything important and they’ll do the same to lexa. thank you for giving lexa the tribute she deserves. she is truly one of the greatest characters to grace our screens, thank you for writing this up so beautifully and with such consideration too.
And all these points you have made have been proven so beautifully by the fundraiser. Fandoms, all joined together to donate to an honourable, life-saving cause. It could not be more beautiful. 🙂
Thank you so much. And indeed…I do have trouble with the pacing of the show. It’s dark, it’s gritty–I get that. But rushed redemption arcs are devoid of any emotional impact whatsoever; it just feels cheap. The ignorance of the genocide of 300 innocent Grounders is horrific and it’s brushed off, like there is no consideration for individual pain or loss–what about their families? Their friends? It absolutely disillusioned me, in 3×05, when that happened. I am a big fan of Mo Ryan and I read her interview with Jason. When he called it not a genocide (?!!!!) and all this redemption… I was done from that moment. I am not saying people are irredeemable. But if people anonymised the situation and took off their fan favourite goggles and looked as this as a genocide carried out by X and X’s followers–how on earth can they be forgiven? In all of history, when has that EVER be redeemed? And so I just couldn’t deal with that kind of excuse anymore. It really opened my eyes to the true agenda, and it’s awful. Thank you for commenting, stay strong and stay wonderful. X
This was much needed today. Thank you so much for your beautiful writing. This actually beats most of the professional outlets’ stuff that I’ve read. Not a single one of them that i’ve read even went into the LGBT side of things like you did . It just shows that even in this day and age nobody gets it and for someone as young as you, you have a real mature grasp on the goings on of the world and you really understand that. Thank you.
Thank you JK. I’m humbled but not at the quality of the professionals, haha. But I do hope that I can show some understanding; that is all I can hope for. Empathy and understanding–not the dictation of emotion, or anything like that. Just a big hug or something. Thank you for commenting. X
I lost it at the very first sentence. this was beautifully done and so mature, and considerate, of the lgbt fanbase. i think all lgbt people affected by that scene should read this piece or at least this peice should be promoted to hell because its so important. your last tweet screencap of those who have contemplated suicide is alarming but its not surprising. theres so many teenagers in this fandom who admired and looked up to lexa. this needs to be addressed by the show as sensitively as you do it, but i have a horrible feeling they’ll just ignore it like they brush off everything else. thank you for this, this really touched me. your articles are beyond the best on this website and the most original too… thank you.
*Hugs* I hope you’re feeling okay today Joanne. I think you’ve kind of capped off exactly what concerned and alarmed me re: Lexa’s death. Thank you for commenting, it is truly appreciated. X
Thank you for addressing the things the writers were too cowardly to address. Thank you for creating such a gorgeous and beautiful article and for giving Lexa the send-off and dignified tribute she deserves. She truly is one of the greats. Thank you so much for this.
Thank you, Mayer, for taking the time to comment! Absolutely–I, and I think a number of critical outlets–feel the same as you. She was truly a fantastic character played by a fantastic actress. For the time she was on The 100, we were blessed with Alycia. She really brought that rawness and emotion, and it was lovely to watch play out. Thank you for commenting. X
As always your writing is 1st class! thank you for writing up this…this was gorgeous. An amazing breakdown of Lexa’s character and all her traits and imperfections, her desires for peace and everything that makes her up. I feel like you could go on for Lexa for days! but most special was you recognizing the LGBT side of the fandom. This hit us hard. It didnt just make us sad like Nate said, it HURT. We’ve been cheated YET AGAIN butt his time by a guy who promised that he wouldnt and im just so mad that i can’t even watch the show anymore. But i LOVE POI too so i will always love your pieces on here. You are such a skilled writer that i wish you wrote professionally is there a way we could recommend you to professional outlets??
Thank you Leonie 🙂 I think all I wanted to achieve was to extend a hug to the LGBT community and to pay a great character tribute. If I have achieved any of those things, remotely, then I am happy. Erm I don’t think so haha, and I really doubt I’d be taken up by one, but my vocation is to help patients and look for them as my 1st concern. Whilst writing is a passion for me, I adore what I am going to do, to help the community, and thus unless it all goes bonkers, I probably wouldn’t consider it. But thank you for your lovely words. X
this was a unique and special read. when you spoke of lexa and gave that moving tribute i burst into tears… and thank you for recognizing the queer fanbase when niobody else, not even the writers, they just patronized us. time to find a new show to watch and judging by your articles “person of interest” seems to be the one. i absolutely loathe the way they killed lexa but like you said, alycia, neil and eliza all did amazing jobs in their acting. not just in that scene but all the way through the episode. lexa’s loss just hurts so much and nothing can recover that but im so glad that your article is up there. thank you.
Oh Jem I am so sorry to hear that *hugs* I hope you are feeling better today. If not I am always contactable on Twitter if you need someone to talk to about it. Please do take care and take some time for yourself. POI is indeed a fantastic show for representation in all areas–not just LGBT. But listen, only if you are ready. You are fully within your right to still mourn Lexa and I’m sorry it affected you this way, I truly am. *hug*
Thank you for addressing the bits nobody else did like the lgbt recognition, thank you for writing the most beautiful and moving tribute for one of the best characters on TV. Jason rothenberg did her wrong. he killed her off in the most despicable manner. She deserved so much better. How did annoying Jasper survive a spear to the chest but the great commander can’t survive a bullet wound not even to her heart? I just hate the sloppy writing, and im so done with this show. Looking forward to when person of interest returns and your articles on them, but thank you for this beautiful tribute.
Thank you Jay for leaving this comment. Lexa did indeed deserve so much better. I am very much looking forward to covering POI (hopefully I can do POI justice in that area) and thank you for commenting. X
I can’t write through my tears…just…thank you. Thank you so much for this. ive never seen anything like this. Thank you so much.
Oh Lisa *hugs* thank you for commenting–you really didn’t have to–and I’m so, so sorry. i hope you’re feeling okay now but feel free to contact me on twitter if you’re not. I’m so sorry. *hug*
Lexa deserved BETTER.
But this article moved steps in that. this article is amazing and easily one of my favorites. youve addressed every issue and been so kind and considerate to the hurt fans, and then you gave us the most beautiful of all eulogies for Lexa who out of everyone deserves it. thank you so much.
Thank you so much. She did deserve better. She deserved more than a minute and a half of happiness, and I feel sad that as commander who’s had “love is weakness” drilled into her from day one, she finally got that love and then promptly died. I can barely process it. Thank you for your kind review. X
I am in tears. As you very well explain, she was such a selfless character; that was one of the things I loved most and I admired her for it because if I’d been put in her position, I would have declared war to the Ice Queen and killed every single one of Skikru after all that’s happened. But she didn’t. She did the contrary and indeed offered nothing less but peace to those who didn’t deserve it. And I respected her deeply for that but now it all just sound so stupid to me. It all just sound as if she was really just there to benefit the plot and all that selflessness feels more like she was an object to serve the writers than the heroe that she actually is. I am heartbroken because she deserves the world.
The reasons you’ve listed just stamp into my head what a truly revolutionary, phenomenal character she was. The pillar of altruism, selfless and brave until the very end. I’m so very sorry this article made you cry–I didn’t want to do that to anybody, considering many have shed tears over Lexa’s demise already. And indeed…they barely gave Clarke a moment to mourn before Titus flopped her body round like a rag doll and fished the “genius AI plot” from her neck (like it hasn’t been done a thousand times before) and it really was a blow to the gut. Not only was it a shot to a non-fatal organ, I can say that I finally put some healthcare professional knowledge to use LOL, but she was used for the first 6 eps (that matters the most in renewal of eps) to generate critical buzz and hype and rightfully so, because Alycia was exceptional. And as soon as those 6eps finished they just killed her for the sake of a plot device. It was atrociously done and I think the majority of the fanbase–not just the LGBT fanbase–feel the same. I’m so sorry you are in tears *hugs* and I hope you are feeling better today. X
Thank you. Great article, best eulogy for Lexa. Helps moving forward.
Thank you Munch 🙂
I can’t even comment other than to melt down into tears about this silly, needless, manipulative, queerbaiting show. So for now, i will say, Heda was the very best of us. She deserved better. She lives on in out hearts. Lexa is every single one of us, continuously knocked down only to get back up, relentlessly mocked, harassed, questioned, assaulted for being who we are. And she never gave up hope, she never gave up on a better tomorrow.
My unending, uncontrollable, nuclear-level rage is saved for tomorrow, when I can see through my tears. Until then, the 100 writers can float themselves. The show is dead to me. Dead. Irrevocably, unforgivably, categorically dead to me.
I’m in complete agreement with Toots. This show is dead to me. It took a lesbian character, put her in power, then had her morals questioned by everyone, had her betrayed by everyone, forced to defend her position in combat, dying the cliche death when genocidal idiots like Pike and Bellamy are still alive – shows the unjustness of the world of The 100, yes, but it also shows that the writers can’t write a lesbian without throwing the kitchen sink at her. I know a lot of people who aren’t watching anymore and it’s with valid reason. It’s not as stupid as the ‘shipping war’ where one side threatened to boycott the show because their ship will never happen/become canon (especially not after this episode- we all know who Clarke loves now). It’s because once, people felt represented in Lexa, like you say. Once, people felt they could trust the writers in being sensitive and honor the LGBT community, but they can’t. They are just like every other average CW show, yet they pat themselves on the back for being progressive and different when in reality they’re not.
I want to say though, that this was a beautiful article. You actively looked for LGBT viewpoints and you included them in your article, not to boost fodder or be prideful but because you wanted us to have a voice, albeit on a lower platform than the writers’ themselves. You argued for us, bravely, when you talked about LGBT and its rightful anger – something that professional reviewers and the writers have completely ignored and brushed off. And lastly you delivered us the beautiful tribute to Lexa that won’t be given to us by the show, because of its lazy, rushed writing. I’m glad we have you covering POI, the insanely better quality show. They would and have never treated their LGBT characters like this and with no validation from the EP’s at all. In fact you’re doing a better job than all the writers by writing this gorgeous article. Thank you.
Thank you Gaby. No I certainly didn’t want to boast I’d looked at LGBT POV’s..I just wanted genuine comments from genuine people who had been affected by it, and there were so many heartbreaking ones that I couldn’t even capture them all. I will say (because I’m hideously late on commenting) that what the #leskru are doing now with the Trevor Project is absolutely astonishing and has utterly restored my faith in humanity. To create something so selfless and kind out of a situation so terrible is truly willpower at its finest.
To Toots, thank you for your comment, and I’m so, so sorry. I know I keep saying this and the word ‘sorry’ just seems so hollow but I don’t know what else to say. *hugs* She really, really did deserve better. Like I said to Gaby about the charity I can only admire and respect the way the hurt fanbase has come up and raised money for the Trevor Project. I think that’s just immensely touching and important. A lot of young teens watched this show and a lot of them on Twitter were contemplating self-harming and suicide, and thats exactly the reason why this kind of stuff has to STOP. It is a wonderful charity to raise money for, but as a result of bad TV representation? That’s when you know you done messed up. So sorry to hear that, and gosh I want to hug you. Anytime you need to DM if you have a twitter feel free to do so if you need. I hope you are okay. X
As a non-religious Muslim who is also a lesbian…I really looked up to Lexa and admired her. My situation is horrible at the moment and when they killed Lexa so cheaply I cried so hard. Lexa was my idol and my inspiration, she taught me to be brave, to be unashamed of who I am, to be strong, to be kind to others, to extend that kindness even when they aren’t kind to me, to be selfless and to love with such capacity…like everything you’ve covered in your amazing article. It brought me to tears because it was like a eulogy but the best, well-written, captivating one I could’ve ever read. This was something Lexa deserved and won’t get on that terrible CW show. They’ll just go over it like another life lost, because on The 100, life doesn’t seem to mean anything. They just kill people and that’s it, and they are so smug about that because they’re “telling a dark/game changing/epic story” and they think they’re different to shows like GOT or bad LGBT representation shows like OINTB, but they’re not. They’re the same, if not worse.
Finally thank you for recognizing and being so articulate and sensitive about the LGBT community. Thank you for confessing you’d never tell us how to feel. Thank you for those screenshots on tweets- I’ve seen just as many like them on my timeline too. Lexa meant something. Like you say: we felt represented….we FELT. And we all fell for Jason rothenberg’s sick games. I’m so tired of this show fan pandering to anyone and everyone just to gain viewers. I hope Rothenberg knows that in killing Lexa (it’s not the killing, it’s the cheap, crap manner he did it in) that he made a huge mistake. I should have known that a straight, privileged, white male would never understand the LGBT community. He just leeched off the Clexa ship because it was critically acclaimed and because it attracted more viewers, as seen by the demo figures. Now he’s going to feel that all sink away and good, because people don’t need to watch any show for LGBT representation – good or bad – anymore. There are other amazing shows like Brooklyn Nine Nine, Person of Interest, Empire, etc that are much better than Rothenberg’s mediocre rubbish. Thank heavens I am out of it and thank you for writing this gorgeous, gorgeous, sensitive and moving article. Thank you for considering this brushed aside community when even the executive producer of the show, a coward and an idiot (who didn’t know the definition of genocide) meant. Thank you for being so wonderful in that regard, and for being so tender around the topic and telling us we shouldn’t feel as you say… we should feel and mourn our own way. This article validated my sexuality more than the show’s writers post-episode comments themselves, and the situation itself. Some of the actors were really considerate but Javi (the writer of the episode) and Jason disgust me. Thank you for elevating yourself above that. Your writing is not only skilled and special, but you have a very mature viewpoint of the world, and you make sure that everyone is included in your writing, that your articles are so inclusive, and it’s so important. Thank you.
Zainad, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, and i was so emotional reading your reply.
You said everything i wanted to say. This article made me cry again because it still feels so raw and I still feel so cheated. I agree with all of Zainad’s words and I’m glad that we can afford to watch other shows that have better representation now than Rothenberg’s cheat of a show. He and the episode’s writer disgusts me, not because they killed Lexa but because of their reactions afterwards. No humility or consideration to the LGBT fanbase, instead it was touted as an epic gamechanging episode… yeah right. They made Lexa’s death into a cliched plot device. they gave her 10 minutes of happiness and then accidentally shot her and then made it so that her death furthered the annoying AI plot. that plot is still better than the Ark trash but they used Alycia’s popularity to get viewers back in. Viewership figures will be dire now and Jason’s losing thousands of twitter followers by the second. Nicola you got it right in this article. This was never about shipping. This was about losing someone who we felt represented us, who we felt proud of and loved, and all we got was disrespect from the writers. I am absolutely done with this show too and look forward to your articles on POI (which im a huge fan of too) and others. Thank you for this gorgeous article. In my anger towards the writers I won’t forget you recognizing and legitimizing the hurt of the LGBT fanbase and the beautiful tribute you paid towards Lexa. thank you.
To Megan & Zainad–wow, these two responses really touched me. Thank you.
Zainad–I’m so sorry for that. This is why representation matters so much, because the LGBT community ARE in the minority. To see these characters inspire so many is wonderful. Conversely, to see those characters taken away from us in very avoidable circumstances, or to be used as a plot device as the ultimate sign of laziness, is horrible, and Zainad, I am very very sorry you felt this way. Sending all my love and hugs to you, and if you have a Twitter, DM me any time you need.
Thank you both for commenting. X
Why, show, WHY? Why did they have to do this? Play the lesbian death TV trope when all along it was claiming to be “progressive” and all that BS?
Nicola I don’t want to vent my hatred for that on your wonderful article. I’ll do it somewhere else. But this article captured the essence of what many, many professional news websites missed: the impact on the LGBT side of the fandom. Like you said this was never about shipping or losing Lexa. This was about people losing representation when they’d been promised just that. The writers and reviewers have shown no respect or completely disregarded it but thank you for taking that on-board on this amazing article and respecting us for it. Thank you for understanding our hurt but not dictating how we should feel. Thank you for being the most empathetic writer in this whole mess that I’ve seen – and it’s not even on any of the big websites like IGN, Hypable or AV Club.
Thank you for Lexa’s eulogy. Nobody will understand Clarke anymore. Nobody will witness the epic love story played out in secret by these two. Nobody will ever know, but we will. And we’ll always know all those amazing traits listed by you on in the article. You really did her justice, and your last gif killed me. We really got a multi layered commander and Alycia was key to that. Thank you so much for doing this character justice and for considering and humanizing the LGBT side of The 100 fanbase, because it hurts so bad. This article made me cry, in sadness, but please don’t take it as a bad thing. You made me emotive because finally i read a news article that understood. That got it. You reduced me to tears with mere words. I know you cover POI too and I am a big fan, so I look forward to your articles on them. You are a really talented writer (I follow you on twitter, and I say it even when on twitter you say you’re not and you’re just a student) and I hope that gets recognized. If I was a big outlet like AV Club I would hire a journalist just like you. Thank you.
There’s absolutely no worry in venting. It’s a perfectly valid human emotion go through and I’m so sorry that you felt this way *hugs* Indeed–Alycia has been an absolute STAR in this role, and so widely critically acclaimed as well considering it was her first major TV role. Now she’s landed a lead role in one of the biggest cable smash hits ever. She’s really going to have such a bright future and I’m excited for her.
Aha–you forgot the skint bit! I’m a *skint* student! XD Thank you so much for commenting, Hannah. X
Thank you for this. I think we all needed this. Ignored by the writers, ignored by the reviewers, ignored by everyone … the LGBT fanbase NEEDED this article. You so sensitively and maturely paid attention to the LGBT side of things, and what you wrote was admirable, beautiful and skilful. if I could pay you to do this I would.
Next, thank you for the gorgeous eulogy. There’s a reason ‘Lexa deserved better’ trended within minutes last night. Because she DID deserve better, and when you raised that bar and you took all the good deeds Lexa did – you wrote a better tribute to Lexa than anyone I’ve ever seen on any website, be it on tumblr, a message forum, a review, anything. This was one of a kind and Lexa deserved THIS. Thank you so much. Alycia’s contribution to the show was heavy, complex and amazing and won’t be forgotten but I won’t forget this article either. It’s beautiful.
Thank you, Kim. I have no words to say–I am only left speechless by your kindness–but thank you so, so much. I am so sorry that the majority completely ignored the LGBT community in such an inconsiderate way and that I, a simpleton and measly writer, was one of the few who did try and reach out. In all honesty I really do think the real critics are trying now, and certainly stars like Mo Ryan and Ryan McGee have been fantastic so do check them out. I hope you are okay, and never feel ignored or invalidated for how you feel, and if you have any problems just shoot me a message on Twitter, I will always listen. Thank you. X
I casually watch the show (not as much as I do POI) but when this episode happened I cried so hard. I cried because this wasnt like Shaw going down…this was really happening. Lexa died for NOTHING. The xenophobic Bellamy and Pike get to live but the revolutionary peacemaker is killed. It’s disgusting. At least with POI Jonah and Greg never pandered to us. With The 100 we have scumbags like Jason and Javi who disgust me because they absolutely queerbaited us, they only used Alycia’s popularity for their ratings and if they’d given her a decent death if it was inevitable, a heroic one like she deserved, and brought those two racially intolerant dumps to justice, then I would’ve been OK with it.But no they gave us a cheap death and blamed it on scheduling, completely counter-arguing Jasons “AMC were awesome with scheduling” comment. No they just wanted a “shocking death” of a beloved character and cheapened it and took into no consideration the impact of this. I’m not angry because they killed an LGBT character off. I’m angry because of the aftermath and the way they treated loyal fans for it by being patronizing and quite frankly offensive.
Thank YOU for respecting the LGBT fanbase in your beautiful words. Thank YOU for delivering the eulogy Lexa deserves. Thank YOU for this article, because like others I cried all over again, the wound is still so fresh and new, but this article was amazing. You completely and maturely grasp all corners of the fanbase and you understand . I get that you’re more part of the POI fandom than The 100 (understandably, and so am I) but you GET LGBT representation and the importance of it. It’s worrying that you aren’t paid for this yet other paid, professional writers don’t get it at all. You’re so different from them, and that’s why I look forward to ALL your articles. I still can’t believe it. Thank you for writing lovely piece.
Summer I have to say I agree with you. It kills me to say that but I do–because there was a very dedicated LGBT fanbase to this show and they were essentially used to create hype and trends for the show’s renewal. It’ll be interesting to see how they tackle S4 considering their storylines…that are…not there…but absolutely any time. Lexa was truly a unique individual who deserved that eulogy. And as for supporting the LGBT fanbase: it is far easier to lend a hand in kindness and empathy than to bully, be nasty and spread hate. I truly believe that. Thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment. X
Thank you for this. In the ignorance of the writers and reviewers (the professional ones, nearly all of them bar about 2) … you delivered a gorgeously sweet message to the LGBT fandom and you understood and empathized and stood by us. Still you say you shouldn’t tell us how to feel and I appreciated that completely. I appreciated that so much because i feel like we’ve been told to “keep watching you never know what’ll happen” or “if you quit just because of Lexa you’re not a fan” its not that. It’s the importance of representation and how its still a rarity. I know other shows do it (better than The 100 – this is why I hated that ‘trailblazer’ article on this website) but I actually expected something decent to come of this show. It’s just the same crappy teeny garbage CW loves and I’m glad that they are getting backlash because they deserve it for being so insensitive.
Sorry to bring that negativity to your door. Your article was so understanding and sympathetic, empathetic, that it made me cry. It made me feel like you’d extended a hand to me and hugged me. When you paid tribute to Lexa I started crying again. I don’t think we’ll ever see a character like her again and kudos to Alycia Debnam Carey for playing her so, so well. But in terms of LGBT representation I never looked to The 100 as my #1 choice and it never has been and I’m glad for that. Thank you for this article, you are like others have said, mature beyond your years, you grasp the entire fandom concept really well, and your articles always sit tight with me because I can feel every word you write. Thank you. This might not be IGN or AV Club (I can’t believe neither of them understood either) but this article is special, and unique, and deserves all the attention in the world. This is THE best article on the website. Yours generally are, but this one in particular is the best one. You so intuitively weave your understanding, condolesces and maybe your own sadness into your writing, and we can feel it. We all feel it and we are so grateful we have a voice speaking for us like this when the writers themselves won’t do it. Thank you so much.
Wow thank you for your lovely and kind comment. I do think it was initial reactions from the reviewers (I mean, it IS their job to recap — not to pay homage or write a Lexa dedicated article as I have the freedom to do) but reviewers like Eric Goldman and Ryan McGee have taken a hard look at their initial thoughts and really tried to understand, so fair play to them 🙂
And of course–I think anybody who has the audacity to dictate how somebody feels is just horribly inconsiderate. If somebody is upset about something, who am I to tell them to stop feeling upset or just to get over it? Everybody grieves differently, and the fact that people are pretentious enough to tell people how to feel is rather disgusting. I can promise you I will never do that. Thank you so much, and I hope you are okay. X *hug*
Thank you. Just thank you.
I think others have vented enough but i just wanted to say thank you for this article. thank you for understanding the fanbase and not patronizing us like the writers did. Thank you for taking the time to look for those twitter screencaps and exploring the fandom’s reaction. thank you for making this a sensitive article on a sensitive topic and for actually understanding why we are so hurt, and its not just because a character died, and you understand this perfectly. thank you for writing this gorgeous tribute to Lexa on top of that too. “Lexa deserved better” trended on Twitter last night and she absolutely did… and she deserved this article. I hope professional outlets get to see what you write too because this is the perfect example of how something should be written: with consideration and research. You are a needle in a haystack Nicola Choi, thank you.
I heard of that Twitter trend and I do agree–I do think Lexa deserved better–but so did Alycia, by God, she so did. She gave everything to that role only to be written off in the tropiest way possible. It wasnt hard to gauge the fan reaction indeed but Im glad you feel like I am showing some understanding. I am perhaps not the most eloquent of writings in getting my point across but I do try–and thank you so much for your kind comments. X
Thank you for this article. Im a straight man so i cant speak for the lgbt fanbase other than to say I’m so so sorry. I wish there was something i can do but i don’t know what. I can completely understand why lgbt fans would leave the show after that. Even i am leaving the show. i can recognize a cheap-ass death when i see one and i can recognize that they used an iconic character basically to pull their numbers up and as a plot device for their trashy AI storyline thats trying to rip off Person of Interest. I won’t be following the show anymore, i doubt thousands will, but i will stay for your POI articles, I have really enjoyed them, and once again to the lgbt fanbase i am so sorry for what has happened. Its inexcusable and horrible and i wish i knew what to do or say. Thank you Nicola for paying the most beautiful of tributes to an iconic character. you should be a professional writer to be honest. your skill is unrivaled.
Peter it has honestly been eye-opening and encouraging to read comments like this, and so many comments from straight allies, men and women alike, who sympathise with this situation. I think it goes to show that this isn’t just a matter of an LGBT character dying; it goes to show that you can critique poor storytelling too. I wish Lexa would come back, I really do. With the leaked spoilers of the finale, I guess they’ll kill her twice (woo…) but at the same time I am super glad that Alycia is out. I’m glad she’s on FTWD and her career will absolutely shine. Lexa was indeed a great character but Alycia was utterly special. Thank you, peter. X
you know when you have staff writers quoting suicide hotlines for teenagers and writers trying epically and failing epically do backtrack on this storyline and why its so ~important to the show that you’ve basically stepped into a hot mess and you’ve ruined your entire queer fanbase. thats what the 100 did in about 15 minutes. javi the episode writer and jason the executive producer disgusts me. whats more is that jason has been unapologetic and its up to his writers to clean up the mess. no wonder hes been accused of being a bully, it doesn’t surprise me.
second: thank you for stepping up to write this article. it was both delicately sensitive to the lgbt fanbase, supportive and empathizing, and also a massive tribute to lexa as a character. whether you shipped clexa or not theres no denying lexa brought an unrivaled presence and stamp onto the show. she was magical. thank you for covering that and thank you for truly understanding the implications of this to the lgbt fanbase. you’re a pro (you should BE a pro) and i admire all of your articles. they are amazing. thank you.
Thank you so much. In all fairness, since that episode aired and the backlash was huge, I do think Javi may be trying to understand and take steps in that direction. I can’t say the same for Mr. Rothenberg as he didn’t even tweet about the fundraiser – which has nothing to critique about Lexa’s death, but is a fundraiser for the Trevor Project. That astonishes me. But I won’t trash the writers on here, I don’t believe that that’s professional but I will say thank you for your kind words, and indeed–no matter the tropey circumstances of Lexa’s death, Eliza, Alycia and Neil brought their A-game. X
Let me tell you: there’s never any weakness in YOU Nicola choi. Thank you for delivering the article we all deserve to be honest. You werent patronizing for 1 second, unlike literally 100% of the writers and Jason douchebag who wont even apologize. You looked on twitter and saw the devastation and you understood it, you empathized and a shoulder to lean on. You didnt tell us how to feel or even say that you knew exactly how we felt because we’re all individuals, but you offered support and empathy and you are a star for that. Moreover your tribute to Lexa was so moving it moved me to tears…even though I watched the episode on thursday, here I am still emotional about it. Alycia truly played her well, and Lexa was such an inspiration for me. This article absolutely did her justice (unlike the show) and should be praised and shared , and i wish talk nerdy with us was a professional outlet because for your articles I would pay you for all of them. you are a jack of all trades. Expert on martial arts, well researched on artificial intelligences, funny, witty, inclusive, sensitive, and a skilful and masterful writer. thank you for sharing this with us.
Bless you Bahereh! The one who I will always abide to is this: I will never dictate how someone should feel or display their emotions. I’ve had a lot of apologetic messages recently about my own bereavement and how guilty they felt mourning Lexa. I just want people to know that emotions cannot be invalidated like that. People grieve for different things. I had my uncle’s bereavement to distract me–but when you have young, vulnerable LGBT audiences playing into your hands, and you rip apart the only hope of representation, of someone who loved, cared and wasn’t ashamed of doing so, and happened to be a lesbian, then I utterly understand the hurt and there is absolutely NO REASON for anyone to not be upset about it. At all. And I think anyone condemning or trying to control how people feel is just not right. It doesn’t sit well with me and it’s very inconsiderate. Thank you for your lovely words. X
This captured everything about Lexa, the good, the bad, and the brilliant. This was an epic tribute to an epic character and of all the websites to do something like this I think you may be the only one to pay tribute to Lexa like that, and to do it in such a well-written, affable, intimate way was amazing. Most of all thank you for your touching and innate understanding of the LGBT fanbase. You are right when you say its not about ships or its not even about killing Lexa. It’s the manner in which they did it, in which they baited us with “representation” only to opt for the most obvious lesbian death trope EVER (they just Buffy’d it and FAILED), the unapologetic nature of the writers, the fact that young queer teens have to be given suicide hotlines… its a disgrace. I hope they know theyve messed up. Jason certainly has because hes been losing tens of thousands of twitter followers.
This is why you’re magic: you took an ugly situation and you made something beautiful out of it. You took our broken hearts and tried to embrace us; not heal us. You extended a helping hand of understanding and sympathy with your words. You took Lexa’s death and instead of whining about it, you celebrated her accomplishments in a great reminder of why Lexa was so loved. Thank you, Nicola.
Thank you Joey. Indeed this … was a devastating blow for Lexa (and Clexa I guess) fans, but there is a bigger problem here. We’re in 2016 and this still keeps happening. It’s horrifying. Thank you for commenting, and you know who else took something ugly and made it into something beautiful–the #leskru (coined by Ms. Mo Ryan) who have raised over 33k USD for the Trevor Project…check them out 🙂 This was never about just one fandom or one death–the entire fanbases of cheated representation banded together and supported this project and I think that is beautiful, perhaps one of the most courageous and beautiful things I’ve ever seen the Lexa fanbase do. Thank you Joey. X
Thank you.
This was the 100% closure I needed from this show, thank you so, so much. I’m a new fan of yours since I saw your work on Talk Nerdy With Us, and I love Person of Interest too so I’ll definitely keep tabs on you and give you a follow on Twitter! But thank you for this. My heart was broken and no review, no writers’ patronizing tweets, did anything to help. But what you did in your tribute to Lexa, which was magnificent, and your empathy with the LGBT community, was astounding. Dare i say it, professional. If I was Variety and had someone of the caliber of Mo Ryan I’d get you in a second. You deserve payment for the quality articles you write, and I’m thankful you wrote this at all. This was magnificent and beautiful. I loved it. Thank you.
Wow thank you Kris! LOL I found another Mo Ryan fan–honestly, that chica is SURREAL. She is amazing. But yeah, thank you so much for your lovely words. I don’t think it was indeed written for myself…it was just the worrying tweets on social media, the lack of understanding, the bullying and belittling of the LGBT community that spurred this. Empathy with the LGBT community is not difficult for me; I just see it as human decency. But bullying and discrimination ? No way. Thank you, Kris, I really appreciate it. X
I am a poi fan first and foremost thats why i love your articles on this website. They are by far the most moving, the most concise, considerate, inclusive, warm, enjoyable articles to read. Even your funnier ones have touching moments in them. I watch The 100 as a casual fan but as a lesbian myself I found myself horrified then utterly upset over Lexa’s death. She’s always been my favorite character and one to relate too as well. I don’t follow any of the writers on twitter and i couldn’t see much reactions apart from some POI fans who are also 100 fans reacting to it and knew it was sending shockwaves. Not good ones, but bad ones. I checked out the reviews, the writers tumblrs etc … they don’t get it. they don’t get why the LGBT community are this upset. its exactly as you have written- ALL OF IT- so i wont quote you back. but thank you for understanding when the show’s own writers and showrunners don’t. Thank you for writing this gorgeous tribute to an amazing character, it was well deserved and amazingly done. So tender and so heartbreaking as well. I won’t watch The 100 after this but i was never a massive fan anyway, I’ll always enjoy your POI articles (I’m so glad you’re the POI writer because in my opinion you’re the best writer and the most original one on this website) and am excited for season five. I just feel terrible for the long term 100 fans who have really been betrayed. But i think you did Lexa justice with this article, and as part of the LGBT community myself, you definitely reached out to me with your words and i felt comforted. Thank you.
Heh me too! But thank you, Laura. I think you’re utterly right. I have seen people who don’t even watch or like The 100 and they were STILL horrified by Lexa’s death–yet another statistic to add to the Bury your Gays trope indeed. To be fair, Mo Ryan from Variety understands; Ryan McGee, a TV critic, is open to understanding and learning. I truly think they are trying and it’s unfair to just say critics don’t get it and never will, because some of them are truly trying and i really admire that. Plus the articles on io9, geekthropology, the open letter, the Medium article…people DO get it. But each article is different in the way they write it, and what they focus on–so thank you for enjoying this article and I’m glad you felt comforted, and I hope you’re okay. X
Thank you, Nicola.
I’ve been supporting your 100 articles – all of them – since the day you started writing them and this is no exception. I loved it. Your empathy towards the LGBT community is unique and I’ve rarely seen it anywhere. In fact I don’t think I’ve seen it at all. I saw one angry io9 article (which was very accurate) but nothing quite as sensitive and kind as yours.
Secondly, you paid homage to an excellent character, hugely watchable and enjoyable. Lexa is one of a kind and Rothenberg lost out by killing her so cheaply. I understand the actress’s scheduling conflict but it doesn’t excuse lazy writing and execution. Instead of focusing on the ugliness of that you created something beautiful: you wrote a moving, tearjerking tribute to the amazing Lexa. Thank you for doing that, and thank you because Lexa as a character deserves something like this. Thank you.
Thank you, Ryan, for your support. I did see the io9 article and I thought it made some good points indeed. But I don’t think I wanted to be angry about Lexa’s death or indeed bitter–I think there was a lot of initial shock and anger on social media enough…but there just seemed to be no sympathy or understanding from reviewers (apart from some). All I wanted to do was to be sensitive to the LGBT community, give them a bit of a hug, give them the tribute to a character they loved. That was all, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was just so worried for the young teens of the LGBT fanbase that make up The 100 because so many of them were tweeting really suicidal and worrying things, nobody paid them attention, not even the show-runner himself, and it was heartbreaking. That was all this article was for and I’m glad you enjoyed it, thank you for reviewing. X
Thank you. Thank you for all of this. Everyone has written what I wanted to say but I can’t not thank you for this article. For being so kind, understanding, empathetic and wonderful, and for not patronizing or condescending us. The 100 is an absolute joke of a show (I love your POI coverage though) but I won’t deny that Commander Lexa is a really great character and Alycia Debnam Carey is truly special. Thank you for your sensitivity and also your amazing, incomparable tribute to Lexa. I don’t think anybody can top a tribute like that.
<3 Thank you. I don't think it is difficult to empathise or indeed sympathise. I thin extending a hand of support or kindness is infinitely easier than spreading homophobic hatred and bullying–so please don't thank me on that. It's not my job and I like to think of it was just simple human decency. Nothing good will come out of bullying or calling others bullies. And now in the face of it, when the "#leskru" are raising money for the Trevor Project at over 33k USD as far as I know, they deserve to be saluted because when their representation got torn away, they extended a hand to other fandoms and banded together and helped and to me that is another level of kindness and humility. Thank you for commenting. X
Ive always loved The 100. Always. I started watching POI because of your amazing articles and I LOVE IT. But my first show was The 100 and despite its tackiness, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed having a main f/f couple being treated right…and then episode seven happened. It wasn’t an episode that was particularly bad, and Lexa getting killed wasn’t the problem, and nor was the half of the clexa ship getting killed. The problem was the Whedon fail, the excuses the writers made, the fact that people on my timeline were crying and so upset and talked of suicide – this wasn’t about a character death. It was about seeing representation on TV, watching a character be like them and admire them – and take it away by constantly challenging her and knocking her down this season, treating her like garbage and then giving her a dumpster death which they’ll brush aside next episode like nothings happened. They knew they were going to kill her off. I didn’t mind that. But when they got writing and decided to kill her by an accidental gunshot wound, like the most cliche scenario ever? I was so mad, and so upset, that again we’d fallen for baiting like that by the producer.
This article felt like you’d just wrapped an arm around me and said “it’s okay not to feel okay”. It was lovely and empathetic but you didnt tell me how i should feel or how i should be or when not to be upset anymore. You were just understanding and kind, and when you gave Lexa that tribute, i cried, because I remembered all the reasons why I looked up to her and why she mattered so much to the community. Your last paragraph was beautiful, and hopeful, and reminded me to stay strong, or “ste yuj”. I don’t know if i will watch the show again but your writing on this website is absolutely top notch, I’ve never read any 100 coverage as touching and raw as this, and I look forward to your POI stuff too. Thank you. I think a lot more people from the Lexa fanbase should read this, because this was honestly gorgeous.
Wow–I’m so glad you started watching POI because of that! I’m truly honoured and humbled, and isn’t it bloody fantastic?! But back to The 100 – indeed, i felt the same as you. I saw so many comments contemplating suicide, self-harm, blaming themselves for trusting the show…and it was heartbreaking and it’s not fair. It’s not the viewers’ fault if they’re baited for ratings because it only counts ’til ep6 until renewal, and then … receive THAT. And indeed I hope that’s what the article felt like. I didn’t want to be condescending or patronising. I just wanted to offer some support and to remind ourselves of the positives of Lexa’s character and how she was special to so many people–because she really, really was. Social media and critical acclaim says it all. Kudos to Alycia for this, and she’s honestly going to be such a star. Thank you, Alex.
I dont think I’ll ever read an article of this quality again. No article on this website compares to the (limited) The 100 coverage you commit to. You seem to write more about Person of Interest (which I’m fine with, much better show) so I’m excited to see what you come up with. Episode 7 was absolute trash. But your gentility with the fanbase and your understanding, not at all condescending, as well as the splendid homage you gave to Lexa was so unique. I’ve never seen anything like it. Thank you – you’re truly skilled as a writer and one day I hope a professional, paid outlet recognizes that.
I love POI and I am very much looking forward to covering it with more original-type articles (even amidst the march madness stuff!). I was very disillusioned with The 100 once they gave the genocidal monsters a free pass and possible redemption–just done with it. And then when episode 7 happened I couldn’t ignore the backlash because it was so strong, so heartbreaking and people I think need to consider that these are real lives, real people and real, young, teens they are affecting. That is why representation is so important. Because real humans look up to them, and it’s a shame that every show they turn to it’s just torn away from them (cough except POI). Thank you Jamie. X
I cried so hard when Lexa died, and when I read your article, I cried again… you just know instinctively the feel of the fandom. you understand the ins and outs and thats what makes you so amazing. Not only are your articles expertly written (like the fight analysis, which ive never seen before, it was unique and thats what makes you so special) like you’ve done this your whole life, but you are relatable and amiable as a writer. I can feel your heart going into this piece. Your support and gracious lending hand for the LGBT fanbase and also paying your respects to Lexa, killed me. I just so didn’t expect it, because nobody else had done it. Nobody else has done a tribute article to Lexa and if they have then i guarantee its not as good as this one. No one offered that kind of understanding in reviews and sickeningly, even from the writers and producers. So thank you Nicola, because you are that light in the dark, you have helped me so much through this, Lexa dying was really traumatizing for me. thank you.
So sorry to make you cry 🙁 If its any consolation i bawled like a blimmin baby as well. It wasnt just the character…it was yet another promise of representation torn away from us and it was horrible. It was ruthless and cold. And I think that’s why I don’t write for a living or indeed professionally. I guess on Twitter I can witness the fallout of the fandom and understand it, thus making it relatable. Impartiality I could do for sure. But I guess that’s why I can’t really write as well as the professionals, even though they are now (like Ryan McGee) are trying to understand the LGBT community. I really admire and look up to them. Thank you Sarah, I hope you are well. Any time you need any support feel free to DM me, I’ll always endeavour to DM you back asap. X
There are no words.
I’m always going to be a POI fan but I watch The 100 as well (I think the fandoms intersect quite a bit) and Lexa’s death was a punch to the gut. It was cheap, poorly executed and poorly written. They used the actress to boost ratings, used the ship as a way of being ‘progressive’ (only to not be progressive by Whedoning it and doing it even worse than he did) and it was disgusting.
Your article is the salvation. You understand the LGBT community and offered non condescending support and kindness. You took a cheap death (but well done to Taylor, Debnam Carey and Sandilands for their acting) and spun it into something special: you devoted it to Lexa. You reminded us why we all loved Lexa so dearly, and that was really special. I think if more of The 100/Lexa fanbase read this they’ll be so gratified. This article deserves all the promotion it needs. I’ll do my part on Twitter in Retweeting and tagging the writers. Thank you.
Yeah they definitely do, I’ve noticed that, but like you say I am always a POI fan first too. I definitely didn’t want a condescending or even well-written tone. I guess I wanted it to be conversational. I don’t think I like articles that are snooty and pretentious…I like them when I can relate to them. And in this case with Lexa’s death so raw, I felt that was the best way to go, and admittedly, I was very emotional writing this–and thus I just couldn’t be pretentious. Just writing it made me cry and I don’t watch the show that much ever since about 3×05 anymore … but 3×07 and the devastation of fans hit me like a tonne of bricks. Thank you Daryn for your kind words. X
im speechless. I have absolutely no words. this was a belter of an article, astounding in its quality, its expertly written as if it was written by a professional writer whose full time job it is, and it’s just magical. its empathetic, it’s moving, it’s everything. You did Lexa justice here, and Alycia Debnam Carey. Not the writers or producers. You did. You have a gift for writing and it is unique. Embrace it and thank you.
Naaaaaaaaw I’m a pharmacy student lol not even a freelance writer! But thanks for the sky high praise–I’m immensely humbled and speechless. I have nothing to say but thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly mean it. Thank you. X
The writers dumped Lexa for dead in the most ungracious way possible… they ruined a character and it was only saved by Alycia, Eliza and Neil’s incredible acting, but “accidental bullet” was 100% ripped off Buffy and they did it even worse. But you in this article did something incredible. Not only did you focus on the LGBT fanbase which everyone, including professiional reviewers, skipped over, and also the writers and producers, but you also paid a heartfelt and emotive eulogy to a gone-too-soon Lexa. Lexa will always be my favorite character on The 100, and Alycia’s portrayal is magical. She will become an absolute star and Rothenberg will be eating his own face that he didnt lock her down for a contract but at the same time, as The 100’s writing is so lousy and amateur, I am glad Alycia’s working for some better skilled people. Thank you for this article, it really made me emotional reading it… you have such a skill. To make people feel with mere words is unique. thank you for this.
Eliza, Alycia and Neil were incredible during that scene. Richard Harmon was fantastic that episode too, despite him not really doing much in The Scene, lol. But yeah…it’s kind of worrying, this trope that the writers are aware of and still progress with it anyway. There is one thing about lazy writing. There is another about the utter lack of consideration for the LGBT fanbase and I am so sorry you were subject to that. Thank you. If you’re a fan of Alycia I’d really recommend Fear the Walking Dead. It’s not zombie-killing frenzy but as someone who is super interested in the crumbling of society as we know it and the slow adaptations one must make to accommodate for that–it’s gonna get crazy. I hope you enjoy that if you’re not a watcher already. Thank you for commenting, Sofia. 🙂
Closure. That’s what I needed. That’s what I didn’t get with the writers rubbish excuses and tripe comments. Thats what i didnt get when social media was whining. But when i read your article, and you started off with that gorgeous quote from The 100 (sometimes it can be so good- for like 5% of the time) and then before you said anything at all, talked of the LGBT community and how you could tell anyone how to feel, i just felt so happy. i felt so validated and accepted, and loved, and i want to thank you for taking the time to write this beautiful, special article.
Thank you. I think the one thing i did not want to skip over was the LGBT community. They made up a huge chunk of this fanbase, and already as a minority group that are despicably discriminated against–I was just horrified on Friday to see the reactions (as I didn’t watch it live). Thank you Francesca for commenting, and I hope you are okay. x
I have no words to describe the disgrace at which The 100 handled Lexa’s death and no words at your article … but for a different reason. You’ve left me completely speechless. Everyones said what I feel and all I want to say is thank you for writing this. Thank you for lending your kind support and being mature and understanding beyond your age. Thank you for Lexa’s tribute, nobodys ever done that and it was absolutely special. Thank you.
Thank you Jakob and thank you for all your other comments too. You are truly the pillar of someone who’s willing to understand and learn, and sympathise. To be kind and respectful, instead of attacking others. You’re really an inspiration, and kudos to you, Jakob. Thank you.
Thank you.
I have no other words. Speech seems futile as it still hurts but … thank you for this. You’ve changed the way i see things and you’ve reminded me of the strength and courage Lexa had even when she was dying. I will not let the writers despicable behavior and lame writing destroy Lexa’s character. She was brave and a warrior and deserved better. She didnt deserve to be #1 lesbian on the hit list. Thank you for reaching out to the LGBT community when no other reviewer or writer or producer did. Thank you for everything. You are singlehandedly more professional than the actual professionals.
*hug* thank you KJ. As I’ve always said my twitter is open if you need/have twitter. I opened it up to DM’s because i think a lot of people were really really horrified by the way it was handled. Thank you for taking the time to comment, I understand that it’s a horrible time for the fanbase, especially the Lexa one–Alycia brought SO MUCH to the show. (Lol naaaah! Mo Ryan DA BOSS! Plus Ryan McGee!) thank you. I think now I see beyond Lexa’s death and it’s not the death that mattered. Thats never what this article was about. It was the recycling of the trope, the inability to further a plot without killing her, and the misleading and manipulation of a largely LGBT fanbase. It has been renewed for S4 so it will be intriguing to see what the staff will come up with. Javi, the episode writer, seems to be accepting criticism with admirable humility from what I hear, so I think–whilst this is tragic–I think if one can try to learn and understand (like Ryan McGee, the tv critic is), then there IS hope. Thanks for commenting. <3
your writing = unrivaled, unique
your understanding = kind, touching, moving, understanding
your tribute = brave, celebratory, reminded me of why i love Lexa and it made me cry
this is a truly special article and I hope people recognize that. I hope talk nerdy with us recognize that. I hope the writers see it and recognize it too. I hope people reading it comment even more. Lexa was a revolutionary and she deserved so much better. thank you for this, you are a true pro.
Your praise = utterly undeserved! I am very humbled right now, thank you so much for the high praise–that is insane. I’m sort of lost for words. Indeed she was a revolutionary. A radical. Someone so different. Oh yeah the TNWU duo say I can write but they lie 😉 I kid i kid haha but no they are very encouraging and kind to me and took a chance on me so I am very grateful to them. 🙂
Thank you, Nicola.
You’ve written in words that have melted me from the inside. I still hurt but with your understanding and kindness and your tribute…I cried reading it …. but it was a beautiful thing to wake up to … you are so skilled at writing you should become a writer! Ive never seen a reviewer with such mastery of word, who can analyze and be intelligent but witty and humorous too. Thank you. Lexa deserved better trended on Twitter. Lexa deserved something like this – a hero’s goodbye.
Thank you Marc! I, er, lol am becoming a pharmacist! 😛 But indeed I do enjoy writing and such so I hope to carry it on. I think mastery of word is certainly not me but maybe one day I’ll endeavour to do it properly…for now when I recite my graduation vows… patient first concern … etc. 🙂 But thank you for this and yes she absolutely did. Absolutely. Nobody achieved what she did, at such a tender age too. Thank you!
I have no words to express how thankful I am for this beautiful eulogy. I needed this so much, and even thought it made me cry (some more, I confess), they were healing tears.
You are an amazing writer and a very sensitive and beautiful soul.
*Hugs* Hope you are okay now, sorry to make you cry! Not my intention at all (though if it helps I, er, shed some tears writing it too)… thank you for taking the time to comment. Let me know if I can do anything to help. Thank you!
I forgot to leave a comment for this one; but I’m not eloquent enough to express what others have here, so I’ll leave it as this: Beautiful writing style. Thank you for giving me (and many many others) all of the feels.
Oho bless you RXD, absolutely no worries. Thank you for commenting and for the undeserved high praise–it’s been a rollercoaster of a week indeed. Thank you!
Oh crap with all the chaos on twitter, i couldn’t read your article sooner Nicola. But i m glad i finally did.
Tears flowed down my cheeks as i read your article and i didn’t even bother to wipe it out because it felt so good to let it all out.
Every word you wrote, every gif, everything was splendid. There s nothing to discuss about or to add, you said it all.
Thank you for that
Oh the Twitter meltdown was insane. I am in the UK so I don’t watch live, did my business all day at uni, watched it and then thought–oh my God, they just–and when I saw Twitter it really hit home. Not exactly the death but the devastation across the fandom. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and I hope you’re okay, Sacha!
I promise I will respond to these next week, I haven’t had the time to read any! I’m so busy at the moment–but thank you SO much for your feedback both here and on Twitter. Commander Lexa touched a lot of hearts, and as her spirit lives on forever, I hope her bravery, her love, and her selflessness goes on to live within every single one of us too. Thank you for these comments–I’ll get to them next week, promise–and thank you, endlessly, I appreciate every single one!
It’s been two days now. Reading your ode to Lexa made me cry again. This grief that’s inside me – it’s so freaking real. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this character and all that she was and could be.
Thank you for your words. You’re an absolute treasure, just like Lexa was.
Very well written article you absolutely captured in print Lexa. I’m still just devastated at the callous manner that they have treated the fandom. A fandom that wasn’t just queer folk but alot of straight people as well.
Thank you george. Of course that was rash of me–I didn’t mean to exclude anyone from who was hurt, including the straight viewers too–it was just because of the outpouring of grief I saw from the lgbt viewers on twitter that triggered this. But indeed…I am rather speechless at it all. Thank you for commenting!
Thank you.
Thank you for commenting!
Cried when reading this article. and I just want to thank you for this. You summarised Lexa in such a wonderful and in-depth way. Lexa lives on in all the fans. I will try to be brave toward all this devastation, to honor Lexa. this article will be something i will frequently come back to as i heal in the next god knows how many days…
again, thank you very much!
*Hugs* Jae I hope you are okay. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and indeed, she does. “Reshop, Heda” seems to be a popular phrase at the moment. I hope you’re doing alright, and thank you.
Bravo!! finally an article which captures The Commander’s essence. Thank you for this wonderful article. I knew Lexa was my favourite character but I didn’t know how much of an impact she had on my life until the very end. It seems silly to say of a fictional character but it’s what she stood for and what she was that made her my role model and person to look up to. I’m sad and angry that she will only be remembered because she deserved to end up alive and happy. Thank you again for taking time to put together such a well thought out piece.
Did it capture it quite as well as that squiggly gross ALIE2 though? (Too soon?) I kid, I kid. Indeed. No–you know, I’ve seen so many comments saying that they are silly for feeling so devastated and I assure you, you’re not. It isn’t silly to feel real human emotion. It isn’t silly to hurt. It isn’t silly and I hope nobody tells you that; I hope nobody tells you how you should feel or tries to dictate your emotions. It is your humanity: nobody else’s. Thank you for reading 🙂
I have no words… I haven’t been able to look at, or read, anything in regards to the 100 since having watched that episode. I’ve been a mess for what feels like days… weeks… years-because of it. I can’t remember the last time I let a character take-a-hold of me as strongly as Lexa did… as Lexa has. I needed Thursday’s to come so I could reorganize my thoughts, and remember why I keep on keeping on. I related to her, in ways I haven’t managed to relate to anything in-well, maybe never. Lexa was real. She was more than a character. She was Alycia Debnam-Carey’s portrayal, and I cannot thank the actress enough for giving us a part of herself like that. She brought Lexa to life, and it kills me that it’s over so soon. I cried tears of joy, and heard myself scream a triumphant “hurrah” as the pair of them finally got together, and looked ‘truly’ happy. I felt so happy for Lexa and Clarke, and their support of each other. Then ‘the’ Scene… The scene that killed me. It was so overwhelming to watch, I felt like I was dying with Lexa and Clarke. I felt like not just Lexa, but Clarke, died too. It was too soon… It was such a horrible death for a COMMANDER, a WARRIOR. Lexa was so much more than what they gave her; so much more than what they tossed her way. They should be ashamed of themselves, and I’m done with the show. Lexa was a symbol of something more… As a part of the LGBT+ community, and someone whom has found the courage to move forward in telling people about my gender identity (thanks to Lexa), I feel so lost… The writers were merciless. They made it seem like Clexa was a ‘thing’; that we were going to learn more about Lexa. They made it seem like she was well on her way to being a main character. They talked about love-triangles between Bellamy and her, and how their interactions would be intriguing… They lied. … they lied. And now we’re all suffering. I can’t get over this. Not so easily. Thank you Lexa for helping me to be me, and showing me that not all feeling is weakness. Thank you for being brave… I will try to be as brave as you…
Oh bless you. *Internet hug* This is what I’ve been seeing so often on Twitter–despondency and hopelessness and it genuinely hurts. I hope you have seen the fundraising efforts from as Mo Ryan says, the #leskru and I hope that cheers you up a bit too. To turn ugliness and laziness into something beautiful and generous is awesome. To hear your thoughts on this, reading this comment step by step–I’m so, so sorry it hurt you so much. I wish I could say something else other than ‘sorry’ to comfort you. I think I am the last person to be called ‘brave’–but alas, you are a brave soul for sticking by and I presume Commander Lexa would be proud of you–to ‘ste yuj’ 🙂 Thank you for reading but more than that: look after yourself, take care and my twitter is open if you need to contact me in any way. Sending lots of hugs.
This was a fantastic read/analysis of what Alexa meant to young queer women. A very fitting tribute to the loss of such a strong, complex lesbian character.
Thank you Kayden. I think this peacemaking, loving, brave and honourable commander deserved something at least. Thanks for reading!
The prose and content of this article is excellent. Lexa is an awesome and one of a kind character. Thank you for the article. It inspired me to organise and share some of my thoughts of the show. Hopefully, I will not clutter up your comments by too much and take the attention off ADC and Lexa. Just wanted to get this off my chest.
Honestly, I do not know the show very well, having only been introduced to it before the start of this season and mainly due to the lgbt storyline. However, what attracted me to try watching the show is all the articles trumpeting how progressive this show is and how it differs from GOT. These are came to the crosspoint with the death of Lexa. The death could be written due to many reasons, contract issues, ADC preferring to not return, or just what the showrunner envisioned. Regardless of the truth or falsehood of these reasons, in my opinion, the audience lost a great character and the show lost its potential.
Watching the episodes of the season, I find myself often questioning the pacing of the show, which failed to explore the motivation of the characters which meant that the audience are not emotionally on the same page as the characters. There is also the trivialising of killing 300 people because of the lack of context shown. Lexa’s storyline appears to be the only saving grace in that she is not doing what was expected, though her motivation, likewise, could be explored much more in detail. It felt that the writers were rushing through everything, as many reviewers had stated.
Although I am not an expert in filming, I would like to talk about the set-up of the episode. Episode 307 is probably the first episode which took care to place the audience emotionally on the same page as the characters by focusing on just two storyline. It was a very well directed and acted episode as many would agree. However, in my view, it was clear that this episode was meant to hurt and shock the audience. By placing the death scene right after a highly anticipated love scene, it aims to psychologically cause the maximum damage. In addition, it was an accidental death. Imagine the shock caused even without the high of the previous scene. The audience was given no emotional preparation for the death as they were on the same page as the characters. This kind of narrative would shake even the general audience. Imagine the impact it has on the vulnerable LGBT teenagers who had months after months emotionally invested themselves into the character. I do not understand how the experienced showrunner, writers, director, producers could not have foreseen the devastation and damage it would cause. The irresponsibility of these people blows my mind. I had thought these people would have learnt about the power of narration, words and visual impact, and the responsibility it entails. I am not even taking into account the lengths the show have taken to portray themselves as a friend to the lgbt. I may be expecting too much from people behind a TV show, but it shows a lack of awareness and care that is very disappointing and scary to see.
To me, this may be the clearest indication that this show is not that progressive. The show also seems to be throwing characters development, as stated earlier, out in favour of progressing their sci-fic angle. With the death of Lexa, the show’s storyline feels very much like faux colonialism , i.e. “savages” vs “civilised high-tech society”, with the expected ending, and has a GOT style of storytelling where there is no retribution, justice or consequence for bad deeds and the good people die seemingly without cause. This show appears to be losing its grasp of imbuing morality and meaning into their storylines, which for me, is much more attractive than machiavellianism.
Hi felvie, thank you for the high praise! I myself became quite disillusioned with the show a while back and have not been keeping up properly. I cannot agree with you more on what you say. I think perhaps the death scene (I can’t stop thinking ‘Buffy’) could’ve at least been written in a more effective, less tropey way if they had to kill her off–but when a writer or showrunner doesn’t know what to do with a character anymore and that’s the only option in their minds to further the plot…wow, that’s poor.
And you’ve captured my words EXACTLY. I have a huge problem with the pacing of the show. When the massacre took place, and Pike, Bellamy & co exacted that horrific genocide of innocent, sleeping, peacekeeping Grounders–it was literally brushed aside. It still is (I haven’t seen episode eight, far too busy with personal matters–so I don’t know yet). The show murders 300 Grounders in season 1, the show blows up a village and kills 250 grounders in season 2, there are huge losses in 2×16 with Mount Weather (300+) and aside from the last point, because we do see Clarke grieve and essentially lose her mind for that point, I find it highly disturbing that such mass murders can be brushed aside as if they were nothing; as if they did not cause individual pain to others affected by losses of their family or friends. I find that erasure of pain quite worrying, especially in war scenarios like that, when you study past history and the aftermath of war the the disabilities of soldiers and how they’re shunted from society despite serving their country–it’s completely ignored.
Indeed I agree with you again: I think the episode itself wasn’t actually too bad. It was obviously, as you say, meant to shock and hurt people. But I think if you are a showrunner/executive producer, you have a duty to at least research into the demo you are targeting or who are watching. There is a very big LGBT fanbase for this show, and to drop that trope on them after one or two minutes of happiness for the same-sex couple, is a hideous error. When you get to the point where the lesbian dying isn’t shocking, but expected, then it becomes sad–because that minority group have come to already expect their representation to be kicked in the dirt and left for scraps. I find that immensely heartbreaking and when I saw social media after it, it was horrible. you are right; teenagers themselves are vulnerable….LGBT teenagers who may not have had the courage to come out but saw inspiration in Lexa–to see her killed off like that and then her limp body dragged out in such a fashion, to see ALIE2 fished from the back of her neck and then her handled like a rag doll–it sends a really bad message. I think today, when TV is changing and people can react and discuss on social media, grief overwhelms and is spread and shared–and that’s the worst part, because the aftermath of that episode was devastating. And you are right (again, haha) it really isn’t. Used Gina as a plot device and a bit of manpain=killed her. Killed Wells early in season one, a black boy. Killed Anya, who was an interesting POC grounder. Killed Monroe, a lesbian (I think) Arker. Yet Jasper, a white boy, survives a spear to the chest; Murphy, a white boy, survives being hanged. Murphy, a white boy, pees on a body.
I’m very glad you caught onto the colonialism thing too. I thought perhaps this season they would change that because of the hideous Pike and Bellamy storyline, and they were showing how disgusting those two were in their behaviour and the massacre (there cannot be any denying that a genocide is anything but disgusting) but even with the AI storyline; Becca, a human, comes down to Earth and is the first commander. She’s the first to lead them all. I don’t know how the Grounders’ spiritualism and stuff grew, and perhaps viewers shall learn, but already that doesn’t sound very promising. I agree with you, and considering the showrunner’s insistence that they’re so different from GOT (well yes, you can’t show the concubines..but that’s because you’re on CW) and it’s not. Your entire last paragraph–I can’t say much else because I agree with you 100%. I’m not sure why I expected anything more, to be honest. Season two, actually, was quite good in terms of moral and ethical clashes–in terms of Clarke’s initial deontological stubbornness, and Lexa’s utter utilitarianism and the arguments they had over situations and the compromises they had to make. But I think this season they’ve tried to cram too much in these episodes, resulting in shocking twists that aren’t shocking at all, but rather devoid of any emotional impact. That’s not to say Lexa’s death didn’t cause a huge emotional impact–but it caused it for all the wrong reasons.
Hope that makes sense–I’m very sleepy! Thank you so much for your insightful comment. I think this is one I shall read again and again. 🙂
Speaking as a gay woman, I do not understand you people. Lexa was not nearly as great as people like to think she was. She only brought out the worst in Clarke and they spent this entire season propping her up without acknowledging how awful she was last season. And she’s changed Clarke in a bad way. Clarke has been cast behind Lexa and used her an excuse to avoid her responsibility at Arkadia. I’ve been waiting for Lexa’s death. It didn’t at all come as a shock to me that she’s die and it had NOTHING to do with her sexuality. People die. And this show was getting boring. How can you have an interesting show when the person in charge of everyone consistently gives a pass to Arkadia? The people to need to accept the consequences for their actions, and Lexa couldn’t supply that. In terms of having her get with Clarke, it’s a very typical 100 trope. They make us love them more before they die. Look what they did with Finn? It’s identical if not a little cliche. And I thought the stray bullet was the best option. A grand death would have undermined the brutality of the 100 – people are mortal and they die. The fact that she’s gay doesn’t mean she’s any less mortal my friends. If someone shot me, yes I’d die. Plus, having her die like this is the only way to progress the story. If she had died in an epic battle, there would’t be the space needed to remove the alie chip or to set up for the conclave, it would be chaotic. In short, stop taking this personally. Killing Lexa served the story line and really shouldn’t be taken offensively. The real beauty of Lexa’s homosexuality was that it wasn’t made a big deal. You’re gay? oh cool, moving on to the grounder clans. Not once did her sexual orientation actually get discussed ever. So really making a big deal of her death is just bringing unnecessary focus to what shouldn’t be considered a big deal. No one brought up any of the previous character’s sexuality when they died. If we want equality then people stop needing to make it the focus of everyone’s attention. Respect her for the badass she was, not because she was a lesbian.
I would sooner believe that you are an Alien from the future than that you are a gay woman, lol. Especially suspicious with the username “Blake”. Really really really lame.
Also, you are literally missing the entire point on why people are upset, so maybe you should learn to read before you write 3 paragraphs worth of bullshit about how Lexa wasn’t really all that great and how her dying is not about sexual orientation. IF you were gay, you would know that is not the problem.
They actually could have killed her in her big fight scene with Roan as everyone was already there, because you know that was a fight to dead, but no they had to go with the Buffy way to kill a lesbian.
Now as I see it people aren´t angry just because of the stupid way shewas killed people are angry too because they feel used the writers and the show runner needed the buzz Lexa was creating for their show, so they kept giving false hopes, come on the showrunner went as far as to tell them to go and join them while filming this season finale Lexa being there trought out the day.
Rothenberg could have being honest since the Comic Con and say yes Lexa will be on season 3 but just to wrap her story on the show, but and I hate to say this he didn´t have the balls to say it, they needed the buzz that character was bringing and now here they are just because they couldn´t bring themselves to let go of that free promo.
Lmao hi “Blake”/elschaaf (Tnwu sort your homophobic writers out please, it’s 2016) you just don’t get it do you? Lexa was used as a plot device for ALIE2, so unconvincingly. As soon as she died they dragged her body around and cut it out of her to reveal the big ‘shock’ that shocked nobody. Theres a reason this is a trope, and thats because its been done literally 1010101020020 times already. Remember Buffy, gay woman? Honestly, you have completely missed the point of this article. It was never about Finn. It was never about getting shot and dying, or even Lexa’s death. It was about the fact that the writers had led us on, tricked us, just for viewers, and now they can’t handle the backlash. I suppose you think we’re “a minority for a reason” too, hmm? Don’t make idiotic comments if you don’t get the point. This was a plea for lgbt understanding and a homage to Lexa. An encouragement for fans to stay strong, to stay together, and thank Alycia for the magic she brought to the role. You utterly missed the point.
Also to add, Id recommend you read this article, “Blake”
As a straight, white male, I can only sympathize and understand I can’t quite empathize with the LGBTQ+ fandom of The 100. But even I knew and understood this article, the importance of minority representation and what a great character Lexa was. Lexa has been truly, aside from Clarke, the only critically acclaimed, scene-stealer of the show and a lot of that is down to Debnam Carey. But the problem the article raised wasn’t Lexa’s death by bullet and nor was it glorifying Lexa. It paid a tribute to a widely beloved character, as you can see the long-lasting impact it’s hand on its viewers. The 100’s demo is so young, and Lexa was a lesbian character that people looked up to, and found inspiration in – to be strong, to be themselves, to finally accept love is not weakness. To let hope, like Clarke, into her heart. People really attached themselves to Lexa and who are you, or me, or as the writer acknowledges – her – to tell anyone how anybody should feel about Lexa’s death? Her impact is felt immensely, and honestly, if Clarke had gone back to Arkadia immediately, it wouldn’t been a shit-show. Clarke hasn’t been useless. In Watch The Thrones, she manipulated pretty much everybody and even tried to kill Nia. She was the one to save the Sky People when Lexa was determined to raze them to the ground in her anger. She brought Lexa’s rage down and made lexa remember that she is the keeper of peace – not an instigator of war – and she saved their lives. Just because she wasnt in Arkadia with precious Bellamy etc it doesnt mean she didnt save their lives. Furthermore, Lexa WAS a great character. She was the ONLY ONE out all the commanders to install a coalition, to seek peace and to leave love and peace as her legacy instead of jus drein jus daun. She even says that what Clarke promises is a peaceful future where they don’t war anymore. THAT is a leader, and an incredible one. I am so sorry, Lexa fans, that this rude and apparently gay woman has such disrespect for Lexa fans and is so inconsiderate. If you took one look at social media from behind your dense goggles you would see the impact Lexa has had on fans, and if you were a gay woman you would know of the lesbian TV death trope. I am a straight man and even I know about it. The story on The 100 isn’t Clarke or Lexa’s problem – it lies solely within the Sky people (they’re so boring) and the tragically dull or overly fast pace of their story. But you coming in here and tarnishing a beautiful, touching article that moved many, is despicable. The message of this article utterly went over your dense head and your words are tripe and full of idiocy. You don’t understand the situation at all. It’s very clearly stated: this isn’t about Lexa’s death or even the ship Clexa. This is about Jason Rothenberg thinking he’s progressive…by killing a lesbian in the tropiest manner possible, by using her body as a plot device to fish ALIE.2.0 out. They could’ve done anything else but they didn’t. They didn’t need to kill Lexa to further the storyline at all – just you watch down the line when Clarke or someone gets ALIE 2.0. taken out and doesn’t die. They completely wasted a fantastic actress and truly upset an already downtrodden minority group – they shouldn’t have lured them in at all, but they needed to because their season 2 figures were terrible. And unfortunately the fanbase fell for it. Now, I’ve never seen a revolution like it, not since the glee days (shudders) – Jason’s set himself up for some critical deadpanning. When even Mo Ryan of Variety has donated to the charity cause, spoken out about it, Ryan McGee as well, Eric from IGN, Thrace from Medium, Autostraddle, this article – you know something’s wrong. You utterly misunderstood this article then attacked a vulnerable group “I don’t get you people” – what a disgrace.
I have no words. Good sir, your post was magnificent. It actually made me tear up a little. Thank you.
Idk why you are spending your effort arguing my sexuality, Blake is my middle name, it has nothing to do with Octavia or Bellamy Blake, it’s just a coincidence that I think is funny. And obviously there is no way to prove any of this to you but there’s nothing I can do about that so say you what you want, but I’m 100% lesbian. And you guys are all upset about this “queerbating” if you weren’t so focused on Lexa you’d have seen she was doomed all along. How on earth did you miss the fact that the show has been hinting at her death from the beginning of the season?? They pumped up Lexa because she was heavily involved this season and had a crucial impact on Clarke and the story. She was a main focus all season, so it’s fair to pump her up. But in terms of her death, they have been talking so much about what would happen if she died, who would take over etc. It was obvious that was the intent, even Clarke made a comment “Do you ever talk about anything other than your death.” If you paid attention, you wouldn’t have found it surprising, Her death doesn’t take away from the strong character she was. I agree she is seen as a strong lesbian woman but her death doesn’t negate that. I think this show is very progressive and people are destroying a great thing with this hate. A strong character that dies isn’t any less strong. So she’s a lesbian and she died, they had no choice in killing her and it doesn’t make her character any less awesome or any less of a role model. Plus, there are other queer characters on the show. Miller has a boyfriend and Clarke is still bisexual. The emphasis needs to stop being about sexual orientation. I am more than my sexual orientation, and it’s a pity that you’ve reduced Lexa to nothing more than that simply because of the political statement.
If you have truly read our comments about, or more like our praises for Lexa, than you would know that we in no ways reduce Lexa to her sexual orientation. People would still be upset even if she was straight, the lesbian thing was just another knife in the heart for the LGBT community.
Yes we all expected she would die, but in such a lame way is very dissapointing. Maybe they choose a stray bullet as a cause of death because it would be the contradictory way to die for a fearless commander, but still it didn’t feel right. Like Finn had an even more memorable death than her. Her death was not the only option for the story to move further, i m sure as talented as the writers are, they could have found a more exceptional way to tell the story. But by all mean, everybody has the right to perceive thing as they wish, because people only see what they want to see.
You have pinpointed some posts that have indeed said that, but you have also completely missed the point of a.) the article and b.) our arguments. None of us found Lexa’s death surprising. If you read the article, if you are familiar with the lesbian death TV trope, then you will know that Lexa’s death WAS NOT SURPRISING.. It was, in fact, predictable, cliche and pathetic for such a great character. You may also understand that her body was used essentially as a rag doll to further the plot i.e. a plot device, much like Gina was to Bellamy’s one episode of “man pain”, for ALIE v2. Of course Lexa’s death was very high on the cards and could have been predictable. Equally predictable would’ve been her absence and then Debnam-Carey making guest appearances every now and then, because truly, with the Arkadia storyline so dull and boring, the show has absolutely fallen to disgrace. But again, that wasn’t the point of the article and that wasn’t the point of the comments. In fact it has all miraculously flown over your ridiculously dense head that I can’t believe it. The fact is, is that the viewers (majority) if the 100 are young. A majority of vulnerable, LGBT teens looked up to Lexa as a role model. Don’t you dare take that away from them – because you have no right to – and neither do we. These teens admired and respected her, for personal reasons you and I will never understand because quite simply, we are not those teens. The entire point of this article is that this cliche, lesbian death TV trope has been ongoing for a good portion of 20 odd years now, and Jason “the groundbreaking” Rothenberg decides to kill off Lexa in the most predictable,cliche way possible. It is offensive to the LGBT community because it was so poorly handled and so poorly written. In fact I admit, once more, that as a straight man I cannot empathize fully with the LGBT community but I DO sympathize. The outcry on social media was completely justified. How many lesbians and minority characters die on our screens, yet Jasper the white boy survives a spear, Bellamy almost gets hanged, Murphy almost gets hanged (I’m surprised he’s not dead yet) – whereas Wells, a black, peacekeeping POC is killed, Jaha is seen as crazy, white Kane is seen as a hero and black Pike is painted as a xenophobe. This show is riddled with issues beyond just Lexa’s death, but in terms of this article you completely, utterly, laughably missed the entire point of it, and then consequentially missed all the arguments raised in the discussion underneath your comment. Please, ‘Blake’, learn to read a comment before responding to it. The fact that this show has characters of varying sexual orientation is great (but not original) but that isn’t the point. You say it’s progressive; I say it’s twenty years back in terms of progression, in how they killed Lexa. They literally failed at a Buffy rip-off. You still call that progression? You think killing a character to further your plot because it’s the only way the writer knows how is a sign of good writing? Nope. It’s lazy and it’s a shame Debnam Carey had to bow out this way, because her acting, among Eliza Taylor’s, Paige Turco’s, Adna Porter’s, and Lindsey Morgan’s has been absolutely stellar.
This article IS NOT ABOUT LEXA BEING A LESBIAN. It’s not about her dying as a lesbian. It’s got nothing to do with that, or her death. It’s the months and months of queerbaiting the fanbase endured as the showrunner lured in the LGBT fanbase (because let’s face it, viewership figures were DIRE for The 100 until they were critically lauded by the Lexa storyline), tweeted and baited them on Twitter, the writers joined in too (and yes there are screenshots) and that is the very example of queerbaiting and The 100 took to a coldly manipulative extreme. I am very certain The 100 will get a season four. I am equally certain that there will be nobody interested in the mediocre show anymore when the only way they can write an actor off is to kill them in such an overdone fashion (seriously, have you ever seen Mexican soap operas, or indeed, Buffy?) – just proves that the writing is actually quite laughable.
“it’s a pity that you’ve reduced Lexa to nothing more than that simply because of the political statement.” – Did you actually read the article, or are you just flaming the comments section of a perfectly well-written article?
Jakob I just want to applaud you for your comments and somehow being more understanding than a gay woman about this situation. I can’t believe a gay woman knows nothing of these ongoing lesbian tv death tropes. That using death as a plot device is not just mediocre writing, but is’ incredibly poor writing, because it just shows they can’t think of any other way to show ALIE 2. I have to say you are debating politely with someone who seems quite blockheaded (in terms of selectively choosing what they’re being ;targeted’ for, such as the name – and ignoring all the other parts of the constructively critical comments) and sometimes you just have to concede because you will never get your fair message through a skull as thick as that.
My god. Jakob thank you for your comment because you absolutely GET IT. You were able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes for not more than 2 minutes and see our perspective, which is all we ask. I love that you highlighted the mistreatments of minorities since season 1. A lot of people are forgetting that. Anyway thank you for giving us hope. You understanding us leaves us hopeful that there are others like you. Thank you.
(ok stop reading Jakob, go have an ice cream)
Now as for this “Blake” woman, i ask that you take some time and try to open your mind and to LISTEN to what a LOT of people saying. It isn’t your place to dictate whether someone is being oppressed/mistreated. When a person or persons from a minority group is saying “hey this is NOT okay”, LISTEN to WHY they’re saying it’s not okay. Don’t just dismiss them and reduce their pain to” a bunch of fangirls crying because their ship is dead”. This is much more about that, and the fact that you don’t seem to get that makes me hesitant in believing that you are in fact a lesbian woman. You say things only privilege people who never had to think about their representation in the media. This isn’t the place nor the time. Maybe you’d find an ally in Jo from the dropship podcast. you two should get together and continue this Jason circle jerk rampage that you’re both adamant about, i’m sure he and his ego would love that.
A lot of Kudos to you Jakob
I honestly am not quite sure how to respond, with what has already been said and I don’t wish to repeat any words ’cause that’d just be tedious to read! Well–I guess the beauty of television is that it is subjective and you may form whatever opinion you wish. I shan’t bash you or something stupid like that. If you didn’t enjoy the article, then I won’t be offended, though I am surprised you made such a lengthy comment to miss the point.
I would argue that this season’s and last season’s stakes are very different. I confess I was quite disappointed this season, I really disliked the Arkadia storyline and the way the show glosses over such disgusting xenophobic massacres–and found the Polis stuff, the worldbuilding stuff, really interesting. I’m just that kind of viewer. Dig deep into the mythos of the world and I’m in. For Clarke, I felt for her extremely. To commit a genocide at 18 years old and decide to hold the burden alone (and yet again everyone misunderstood her as fleeing–perhaps she was in a sense, but she was shouldering that mass murder–alone). When she came to Polis, I thought she was fantastic. She was politically smart, she was manipulative (ah good old Clarke ever since season one!), she even tried to kill the Ice Queen. She was very, very useful in Polis because whilst Lexa was sometimes prone to anger and rashness, Clarke appealed to her peacemaking side and really saved Arkadia from wipeout (which, in a war scenario, the clans had the right to do–they just murdered, in their sleep, 300 Grounders…) I will say this for Lexa–it sadddens me that you do not see her ‘as great as other people do’. I have an immense respect for her. She was the first of all commanders to forge a coalition. She’s intelligent, witty and she is a peacemaker–even when Nia sends Costia’s head to her in a box. Civil wars aren’t easy to stop, and to actually make peace from it and an entire coalition is no mean feat.
Unfortunately my article was not intended to talk of Lexa’s death by the stray bullet–it’s been discussed before, it’s a horrible TV lesbian death trope–I suppose you know about that. I mentioned it not for the sake of Lexa being a lesbian; but for the impact it had on social media. The scope of TV is changing nowadays; people get involved via Tumblr, Twitter, message forums…people connect with each other, make online friends, and it creates a good community–until they are teased and baited with the promise of good representation, they fall for it and it is taken away in the cruellest of manners. When you say her death was to further the ALIE plot, that is another problem. To use her death as a plot device is shoddy writing; there could’ve been many ways around it, rather than a stray bullet. My message in this article was that real people on social media adored Lexa. Real people looked up to her, admired her and really connected with her. None of this is about whining about her death or indeed about ‘people dying on the 100 because it’s such a “dark show” and so different’–if anything, the episode proved otherwise. The point I am trying to make is that real, young people were honestly devastated after that episode and I was trying to lend my heart out to them. Give ’em a virtual hug. The next part was to pay homage to a character i knew they loved, and to try and do Lexa justice. You may disagree with my points and I accept that–but I am not someone who’s going to dictate how the fans should feel. When you say things like “in short, stop taking it so personally”–that’s exactly what you’re doing. It invalidates the feelings real people have over Lexa’s demise, and it hurts me to read that–not because I was devastated by Lexa’s death (and I was) but because someone could ever think that they could control somebody’s feelings by essentially telling them to get over it. People mourn and grieve differently, and I respect that, especially from a minority group who’s been led on and on and on only to find that this is some sick PR game, and there’s been a lot of evidence for that. So no, I shan’t tell anybody to “stop taking it personally” because a lot of people DO. I’ve had people apologise to me because I am dealing with a real-life loss and I have simply said: I cannot control your emotions. I can’t make you not grieve. That’s unfair and unjust of me; emotions are individual to humans and to think I of all people, or anyone, could manipulate or dictate that, is something I’d never want to do. People really, really looked up to Lexa. People found courage within themselves, people found it within themselves to be forgiving, to be kind and accepting–and who am I, as an individual, to rob them of that?
That’s what I wanted to say. I’m sorry you feel this way and I’m sorry you cannot see the impact that this is having on this incredibly young fanbase. You may have your own opinions and I will respect that–nobody agrees on everything–but if I am immovable on one thing, it is that I will NEVER tell anyone to stop taking it personally. That is up to the individual–not me. I am simply not egotistical or pretentious enough to think that way.
To the commenters who responded on this thread (I honestly don’t want to reply to every single one because I think I will literally spam everywhere) thank you for lending your opinions and reading the articles. It just shows the subjectivity of television, and I appreciate that, and I appreciate your opinions and deep thoughts.
*Stands up and applauds*
You are so brilliantly eloquent and well-versed for someone so young. So mature, understanding and your vision is brilliant. Even if you don’t become a writer in the future I am sure you will change lives with your innate empathy and compassion. You’re a class-act. Thank you.
To “Blake” (‘the gay woman’): Lexa was born to become a commander and Clarke wasn’t. Throughout season 2 Lexa saw Clarke’s potential and tried to mentor her, because she knew Clarke is always the one stepping up to the Arkers’ mess. She always is, and always was. Clarke’s goal was always to save her people, no matter the consequences- as is Lexa’s, bound by her duty. This season she has apologized to Clarke, she immediately forgave Clarke in her enraged assassination attempt, and she treated Clarke with nothing but civility and politeness and never pushed Clarke into anything romantic. Lexa never gave a free pass to Arkadia. She was diplomatic. She blockaded Arkadia so they could sort their own shit out and spit out the real xenophobes: Pike and Bellamy.
You’ve misunderstood the article. The article was a homage to Lexa, not anyone else, and it’s gross that ‘as a gay woman’ you can’t understand that people felt represented by her and the viewers of the show are generally quite young. This isn’t about killing off a gay character. Its about killing her off in a tropey manner, the tropiest of all, actually. This isnt about ships or even the characters death, this is about once again, being queerbaited by the writers of the show for a long, long time. Ever since San Diego Comic Con (and yes we all have proof). This was never about lexa dying and the anger because she was a lesbian. This was about Lexa dying and no professional outlet understanding the impact and importance this brought to the lgbt community. You’ve missed the point of the article. It was about feeding the fans lies and baiting them to an already minority group. Mo Ryan of Variety has recognized it. Ryan McGee has. Eric from IGN has, finally. Autostraddle has. io9 has. Even the Gay Women Channel has, and they dont even watch the show. Fans have been raising money for the Trevor Project because fans have been so affected by the mistreatment of this lgbt character, not because she died but because of HOW it was done, and its not a surprise anymore. It’s a trope because it’s expected- because shes gay. If you cant understand how this affects people IRL just look at donors like Mo Ryan from Variety who just tweeted about it, who wrote an excellent article on it too. This is nothing to do with Finn at all. To massively trope up Lexa’s death then use her as a plot device just for ALIE 2.0 (when they could’ve cut it out of her without killing her – which is probably what Ontari or Clarke will do, when they inevitably get it) is again disrespectful. They just rolled her over and treated her like a rag doll. It’s disgusting, and it affects real lives. Even critics are getting it now. Decent ones, including this writer.
Well first off whoever “Blake” is is obviously a Bellarke troll. Secondly as a straight man all I can really say to the LGBT fans who took this personally I sympathize with you. This is the “bury your gays” trope in a way that sickens me, its not even done well. A badass, revolutionary, ruthless, cunning, smart, open, pragmatic, strong leader was killed accidentally because her father figure didnt approve of her relationship with Clarke. Its already been confirmed the patriarchy was on purpose. Which leads me to something else, why in the 100 when sexuality is a non issue is patriarchy still one? Lexa could have been assassinated or killed in combat so at least then she died in a way fitting of her character. Shes still a dead lesbian yes but if there was any Grounder who deserved an honorable death its her. Then of course I remember Grounders are “savages” and no one cares when they die because despite the xenophobia the Arkers are “justified” to massacre armies while they sleep.
Hi Riley 🙂 Thank you for your kind words–and your understanding! I honestly was a bag of mixed reaction because I was dealing with my own personal bereavement at the same time…so it didn’t hit me quite that violently, but seeing the fan reaction was what stunned and saddened me. Absolutely–you are totally right. I haven’t seen the latest episode yet but right, right, right! I’ve been wanting to write about colonialism and The 100 for a long time, but it’s kind of difficult when the path becomes quite clear to see. If I anonymised the situation to erase fan favourites, would xenophobic genocide still be forgiven in any situation? It’s very difficult. It’s a dangerous line to walk…
“Which leads me to something else, why in the 100 when sexuality is a non issue is patriarchy still one”
Thanks for touching on this. Lexa was betrayed by two different father figures who decided they knew better than she did. Alongside the heartbreak at losing my favorite hero in such a cheap way, is the massive frustration that even in a world where the most powerful person is a woman, you *still* can’t escape the patriarchy.
Thank you! It’s wonderful text! Lexa and Clexa’s fans deserve better.
Thank you Tomasz 🙂
There’s so much heart in this article. I almost never cry but I cried at this. Your words soothed the pain of this loss for me and helped me get some closure. This will be a source of comfort whenever Lexa’s in my thoughts again. Thank you, Nicola Choi.
Dude, I thought I wouldn’t cry but I cried writing it. And to be honest, I wasn’t closely watching the show. Just the immense reaction on Twitter was heartbreaking. Sorry you felt such pain! Thank you for reading, and I hope you’re okay.
I can’t thank you enough for writing this amazing eulogy to the character of Lexa. Like most of the other commenters I read this article the through tears. I’ve wanted to come back and properly thank you for writing it, both giving voice to all the qualities of Lexa that made her such an inspiration and being able to empathize with those for whom her loss was so devastating. I was kind of caught by surprise by just how much her death affected me. I’m in my mid-30s and felt so utterly empty as the show ended. I woke up in the middle of the night and just started sobbing. I’ve seen plenty of beloved characters die, but Lexa struck a chord deep in my soul. Commander Lexa was the kind of epic hero for queer women I may not see again for another 20 years. Even though we were/are all feeling out of sorts it helps to know that we’re not alone in this feeling.
Thank you for commenting 🙂 I confess I was stunned at the backlash Lexa’s death received–but when I did some more reading it was not the death itself, nor even the laughable trope (seriously?) but rather the months-long exploitation of a very vulnerable fandom that I find extremely cold-blooded. I think that’s why the reaction was so strong: they’d been coldly played to an equally bold business model, and that bloody sucks. My heart cannot go out more to Lexa fans, and I truly feel for you. It does indeed, and I’m glad that the fundraiser started too–because quite frankly and understandably, the LGBTQ fanbase have had enough. Their characters are not stepping stones. And I am so sorry to hear about that. It is very individual and very unique in how we react; i reacted quite blankly, I confess, because I had real life bereavement. But the reactions on social media were alarming, and there is no shame in admitting to crying or anything–no matter your age–because I think so many people feel similarly. I hope you are okay now and all the best. I did open up my DM’s on Twitter so if you have one and you need a sounding board, just to vent or anything, consider me a listening ear. Thank you.