ATX Exclusive Interview with Ugly Betty’s Eric Mabius


ATX Festival hosted a ten-year Ugly Betty reunion where Talk Nerdy With Us chatted with Eric Mabius. Eric portrayed Mode Co-Editor in Chief Daniel Meade on the series for 4 years. Since the series ended, Eric has appeared on Outcasts, Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Chicago Fire and more. Read our interview below to hear Eric’s thoughts on the Ugly Betty reunion!

What was your initial reaction when you heard that there was going to be an Ugly Betty reunion?

I said “yes” immediately! I think the entire cast had signed up within 12 hours of getting America’s email. She said it had to be all of us or we wouldn’t do it. (laughs).

That’s amazing! When was the last time you guys were all together?

Not since Ashley (Jensen) left the cast in 2008. It’s been eight years. Eight long years. 

Do you have a favorite memory from the show?

Us standing on stage at the Golden Globes looking out. I felt like I was floating when we won the Golden Globe. We had the whole cast around. It was beyond magical.

Were you able to keep anything from the set?

Yes. There were some suits that I kept because they fit perfectly! And there was the lamp that Daniel had, the cool orange mushroom-shaped, mood lamp that he had. I kept that too. (laughs).

How would you describe your experience on Ugly Betty in five words or less?

Five, wow. Most talented cast ever. That’s four. Does that count? 

Yes. (laughs). Our site is called Talk Nerdy With Us, so what do you nerd out about?

I’ve been spending a lot of time in Vancouver, and I’ve been up in the mountains a lot. I’ve been like really nerding out on rocks lately. Studying geology and learning how things are formed, and what used to be there millions of years ago…

I also nerd out over the weather (laughs). I find meteorology fascinating. I don’t know why. This is something I automatically do every day, just a couple of times a day… I always want to see when the sun’s going to set. I’m a weather nerd.

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