Subscribe to This Podcast: Siblings Peculiar

The podcast, Siblings Peculiar (spelled Peculiar, pronounced peck-you-lair) is a completely improvised spoof conspiracy podcast starring real life siblings Adal Rifai (Adam Peculiar) and Sadieh Rifai (Sarah Peculiar). They want to help you OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth “they” don’t want you to know. Each week, Siblings Peculiar hilariously explores everything from hipster time travel, aliens, mole people, the Kennedy assassination, and even why that dang van across the street hasn’t moved in days. Seriously, where are they going to the bathroom? And since when does Jimmy Johns deliver to parked vans?
I love all things supernatural and mysterious, so I was super excited when Adal and Sadieh began this podcast. I listened to the very first episode and have been hooked ever since. It is one of the podcasts I cannot wait to be released each week and one I can always count on to make me laugh. Each week, they invite fantastic new guests to their secret location to find the truth behind the mysteries plaguing the world, along with the one mystery they cannot solve: where in the fabric of time and space are their parents?
If the mystery and intrigue doesn’t draw you to this podcast, then the hilarious and uber talented cast definitely will. Sadieh Rifai is a well-known Chicago comedienne and actress who also shows her artistic side by re-creating… ummm… interesting modeling photos. You should definitely check out Sadieh’s Instagram to pick up what I am putting down. If you ever need something to make you smile, you can always count on her photos! Here are just some examples:
Adal Rifai is a fantastic improv comedian who performs at the IO theater in Chicago. He also plays Chunt on the hysterical and wildly popular podcast, Hello From the Magic Tavern. If you like Hello From the Magic Tavern, you are sure to be a fan of Siblings Peculiar. Arnie Niekamp and his wife Sarah Maher even make an appearance in episode 6 as ghosts with marital problems, and Matt Young blows the lid off the lizard people in episode 13. Although Adal and Sadieh are insanely hilarious in their own right, they also know some of the greatest improv and comedic talents in the nation, of whom they thankfully invite on to their show each week. Jim Jacobs (writer and lyricist for Grease) even made an appearance!
So make sure to subscribe, listen, and laugh along with the Siblings Peculiar. Episodes can be found here or on your favorite podcast listening device.
Also, if you have a topic you want to hear discussed on the show, you can email the siblings at