A Night at The Impractical Jokers Live Nitro Circus Spectacular

It’s roughly 2 AM and I only just got back from one of the most exciting nights that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. Unlike your typical every day Thursday, this one was filled with men flying into the air doing tricks on motorcycles, a full obstacle course jam packed with giant bubbles and tire babies and of course, Joey Fatone.

Thursday marked the season finale of one of Television’s most hilarious shows, Impractical Jokers. The four long-time best friends partnered up with Nitro Circus and competed against each other in a very detailed obstacle course. The drivers of NC took the stage throughout the night, doing flips and tricks through the air as flames burst around them. The energy was high, and they really got the crowd going.

Something interesting that I got to witness first-hand last night was just how family oriented the fan base really is. At one point during the live show, while Joe Gatto was trying his hand at the course, he bounced back after hitting a set of doors and hurt himself. We didn’t know what was happening at first, just that he stayed down when he fell back, and they immediately cut the live feed to a commercial break. The crowd grew silent for a moment; then quiet mumbles were heard of people hoping that he was alright. The other cast members rushed to his side and after a few short minutes, he was back up, and everyone took a huge sigh of relief. Some caught a glimpse of a bit of blood near the top of his head, but we were all just so glad to see him get back up and eventually finish the course. You could tell just how concerned the fans were for one of their favorites and it warmed my heart to see people come together in that way.

The show resumed soon after that. Q couldn’t compete because of doctor’s orders since he hurt himself while practicing and brought out none other than Joey Fatone to take his place in the competition. Each of the Jokers picked a charity, and the winner would take home a whopping $100,000 for their chosen one. The winning Joker at the end of last night’s festivities was James Murray, better known to his fans as Murr. He maneuvered his way through the course like a pro, and it was a blast to watch. At one point in the show, Murr was strapped down while the incredible guys over at Nitro Circus did a few tricks while flying right above him. It was one of the most intense things I have ever seen.

A big bonus was that the fans got to choose the Joker that would suffer a unique punishment at the end of the show and everyone seemed to want Sal to take the fall. He was tied to a couple of cords and flown around the stadium and then eventually, straight into a giant cake. It was beautiful and terrifying. One thing is for sure; these guys sure know how to put on a show. They ended the night with a heartfelt thank you to their fans that was met with a huge round of applause. It was one hell of a way to end season five, and I can’t wait to see what season six has to offer.

Side note: one thing worth mentioning that I really admired was seeing Murr run off the stage and into the crowd to take pictures and talk with fans throughout every break. Not too many people would spend the few minutes they have for themselves to rest before the show returns trying to talk to as many people as they can but he did, and they really seemed to appreciate it. I know it made the night of one little boy sitting in the row in front of me who couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the show. 

Be sure to check Talk Nerdy With Us on Instagram and Twitter to see all the awesome videos I captured during the event. You can find me anywhere @amehmancini



  1. Hiya, I’ve only just watched this episode in the UK and Im trying to work out why Joe was disqualified? Was looking on Google and came across this page ? Sounds like it was awesome to watch live! X

  2. When Q was consoling Sal after he was swung into the giant birthday cake, then wiping his face off… Once a fireman, always a fireman. The guys clearly care for each other and their crew and it shows. Thank you for sharing this great story. How cool! ?

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