Titmouse and Viacom NEXT Deliver a Virtual-Surreality Destruction Experience with “Smash Party,” Coming to HTC Vive Soon

Titmouse, the Emmy award-winning animation studio behind shows such as Metalocalypse, Superjail!, Venture Bros., Son of Zorn and Motorcity, along with Viacom NEXT, the emerging technology group for Viacom, today announced the upcoming release of the fantastic hell-raising Virtual Reality experience, Smash Party.
Inspired by the annual Smash Party where people line up to smash objects while inside of a cage, Smash Party is a free interactive VR experience now in beta, developed by Viacom NEXT for HTC Vive. Smash Partygoers at this year’s 10th annual celebration will be the first ones to try out the ‘no safety gear required’ version of Smash Party at the Titmouse studio lot. HTC Vive owners will be able to try their hand at mass VR object destruction when Smash Party launches by the end of the year. It features items such as TVs, vases and toilet bowls created by Chris Prynoski, Titmouse president and founder (Nerdland, Metalocalypse, Venture Bros.), which can be destroyed with uncommon results in front of a cheering crowd. The more property damage inflicted, the higher up the leaderboard players will climb.
In describing the Virtual Reality experience, Chris Prynoski said, “We took the real life experience of smashing things with a baseball bat and made a Virtual Reality experience where you can smash things with a baseball bat. I’ve created stuff like knife-wielding cats and fire vomiting demons in VR, but I haven’t yet destroyed them in VR. Now I finally can.”
“We are actively working on truly immersive VR experiences and love working with Titmouse to bring to life the ultimate Smash Party experience,” said Chaki Ng, SVP Viacom NEXT. “It has been the perfect opportunity for our team to dream up a novel experience through so many smashable objects.”
Smash Party is an intense, hilarious new Virtual Reality party game being developed by Viacom NEXT and Titmouse for the HTC Vive. The freeSmash Party experience brings Titmouse’s infamous Smash Party to homes across the world, where people can safely satisfy their innate desire for destruction. In Smash Party, players can smash a variety of familiar objects from toilets to plates to televisions, surrounded by a virtual crowd cheering their every move. Compete with your friends in never-ending destruction to earn bragging rights and see who can cause the most property damage. Smash Party will be available to HTC Vive on Steam users by the end of the year. For more information, visit smashpartyvr.com.