Modern Family’s Haley and Andy Need to Be Endgame

Because I know people who know me will ask what ‘endgame’ means, I’ll quickly explain it. Endgame means that a couple should have their happily-ever-after. And nobody else should come between them! I firmly believe that Haley and Andy from Modern Family need to be endgame.
For starters, Haley grew up a lot when she started dating Andy:
Flashing back to season 1, Haley was a girl who liked to party and casually dated and didn’t get serious. As she grew older, viewers saw her mature with each season. When Haley met Andy, her baby uncle’s manny, she became a whole new person. Her character development took a full 360, and she began to get serious. She started searching for adult jobs, and she committed to a relationship. She took the term adulting to a whole new level.
Without Andy, Haley’s character development is backpedaling:
As I stated above, Haley’s character progressed so much. In my opinion, her character development has been my favorite to see progress each season. She managed to turn her life around and prove that she is capable of being respected. Andy was the one who motivated her to be the best person she could be. He helped her become someone he knew she was capable of being. Now without Andy, Haley seems to be reverting to her old ways. She’s partying again (which I am not judging because it’s human nature) and dating a man who’s practically her father’s age. She doesn’t seem to be as focused or gentle as she was when she was with Andy. I miss it.
Their relationship was cute and so real:
Their relationship started as them just sleeping with each other. Not to mention, Andy had a long-term girlfriend. However, once he dumped his girlfriend and committed to Haley, their relationship was my favorite storyline on the show. They fought; they overcame obstacles; they made up. It’s hard to find relationships on TV that are so realistic, but with Andy and Haley, that’s exactly what it was. They motivated each other and never gave up on each other. They were an unlikely pairing that managed to work so well. He was so dorky, and she was the pretty, popular girl, but together, they were such a realistic couple.
I am by no means saying that Haley needs to be with a man. Because that is definitely not what I am saying. What I am saying is that I believe Haley was a better person when she was with Andy. To see her reverting into the character she was in season 1 is disheartening. Don’t get me wrong; I have always loved her character because she was funny, but there’s been a backward progression. She and Andy just were right. And I miss their relationship, and if they are not endgame by the end of the series run, I will be very disappointed! They spent so much time teasing us with their relationship through so many seasons before they finally got together. They can’t just throw that away!