TNWU Weekly Superlatives (December 11th-17th)

“In our town, people who are dead, turn out to be secretly alive almost every Wednesday.” (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Most Badass: Timeless
It seems like every week is Rufus to the Rescue week on Timeless. After Lucy and Wyatt temporarily join forces with Flynn to take down David Rittenhouse, they once again find themselves in a near-death predicament. As per usual, Rufus has to figure out how to swoop in for the save all by himself. He’s badass every week in my book! (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Biggest OTP Moment: teen wolf
The most recent episode of Teen Wolf was chock full of Stydia moments, and shippers couldn’t be happier. There were moments that were sad, some that were just downright heartbreaking, but it was all amazing. I think that it can all be summed up with this:
Lydia: “Stiles, is this you? Is this actually you?”
Stiles: “Yeah, it’s me. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?”
Lydia: “You said, ‘remember I love you.'”
Cue shipper hearts exploding around the world.
Most Heartfelt Reunion: The Walking Dead
FINALLY Daryl is reunited with the group after escaping the Saviors compound. When he and Rick see each other for the first time, Rick pulls him into a hug and Daryl buries his face into Rick’s shoulder (much like he did with Carol back in S3). (Contributed by Jennie Bradley)
Most Heartwarming Moment: New Girl
Jess at Christmas Eve Eve
After a Secret Santa snafu where Jess’ name is accidentally left out of the gift exchange, new boyfriend Robby and the crew pull off a Christmas Eve Eve spectacular with snow (shredded paper from the roof), dancing elves from the bar and Darlene Love with a gospel choir. I like new boyfriend Robby. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)
Best Buddy Moment: Teen Wolf
Stiles and Peter
They’re stuck in a train station that doesn’t really exist, and while everyone else is content being oblivious to what is happening, Stiles and Peter Hale (whoa, he’s alive?!) aren’t just going to sit around doing nothing. Nope, they get all buddy-buddy and work together to escape. Peter makes it out, but he still has Stiles’ back and gives his keys to Malia. It’s an unlikely duo, but we loved it!
Best Plot-twist: The Walking Dead
Negan guts Spencer
Spencer went to Negan to try and convince him to take out Rick so he (Spencer) can be in charge of Alexandria and basically be Negan’s go-to guy. Except Negan apparently doesn’t like guys like that and after a game of pool, slices Spencer open and leaves him to die with his guts hanging out. I honestly didn’t see it coming. (Contributed by Jennie Bradley)
Most Suspenseful: The Walking Dead
Aaron goes for a swim
As we’ve seen before with Bob, it’s dangerous when a main character gets pulled under in walker-infested water. I was actually worried when Aaron fell overboard in the pond. I’m still not convinced he’s totally fine. After all, it took an episode or two for us to learn that Bob had been bitten. Let’s hope Aaron’s okay. (Contributed by Jennie Bradley)
That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!
1 comment
I love this list! But it was Spencer Negan gutted. Nicholas was the dude who killed himself in front of Glenn last season.