WCW Carrie Fisher

On December 27th, the world lost a great lady. For many of us, Carrie Fisher was our first role model. I remember being a young tot and my parents would sit me in front of the TV, put Star Wars on, and leave me to my own devices. I was transfixed. In a movie full of male characters, Princess Leia stood tall.
It wasn’t just her role as Leia that she will be remembered for. She guest starred on several TV shows, including a long-running guest spot on Family Guy as Peter’s boss, Angela.
Perhaps Carrie’s greatest legacy will be the normalization of mental illness. She was very outspoken on her illness and encouraged others to do the same. I for one have followed in her footsteps and am very vocal and open about my depression. For those of us who suffer from a mental illness, Carrie was a beacon of light and proof that we could thrive.
Carrie Fisher was many things to many people. An actress, an advocate for mental illness, an author, a princess, and a general.
A role model.
We will miss her, of that there is no doubt. She will continue to give us hope.
Please feel free to share your own stories in the comments so that we can all grieve together.