TNWU Weekly Superlatives (February 5th-11th)


Most Badass Character: agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.


One of the bad guys turns out to be an Inhuman who can become a living bomb, so the team devises a way to contain him. In order to do so, Daisy, aka Quake, must keep him distracted long enough. So she uses her tremor powers to explode him over and over until help arrives, becoming exhausted in the process. Tired as she may be, she persists through exhaustion and saves the day. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)

Best Kiss: Legion

David and syd

After meeting Syd, David immediately asked her to be his girlfriend. She agreed but said he could never touch her (for mutant reasons obviously). In a frenzied panic David, afraid he wasn’t going to be able to say goodbye to a departing Syd, rushed up and slow-motion kissed her right on the mouth and the world virtually erupted into chaos and a visually stunning montage of David’s life flashing before his eyes on tiny television screens on a grassy knoll. And then literally chaos as the world as they knew it collapsed in on itself. Magical and manic and intense!

Best Dressed: Timeless

The time team

Each week our Time Team travels to faraway lands and historic times to save the world. And – they look fabulous doing it! Who wouldn’t want the job of dressing Lucy, Wyatt, and Rufus from that fab closet at Mason Industries? Last Monday most of the team got to hang with Josephine Baker, and Ernest Hemingway in Paris and Lucy’s coat was to die for. I chose them this week for a season of Best Dressed. (Contributed by Shawn Cole)

Biggest OTP Moment: the 100

All of the kabby scenes

Kabby gets their sexy time! I’ve been shipping them hard for the past year, so it was nice to see them finally get some smoochies. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)

Most Heartbreaking Moment: Jane the virgin

Michael’s death

Michael and Jane have had a fairly tragic story already heading into Monday’s episode of Jane the Virgin. After planning to get married and then the oops baby and Rafael and then the shooting I didn’t think there was much more they could do to their relationship. Monday’s episode was a sweet flashback-walk through of Jane and Michael’s first date paralleling a current, real-life pre-test night date. By the end…I was Team Michael for the first time ever. Then Michael died. It was sudden, and it was horrible, and Gina Rodriguez was devastating as Jane hearing the news. This scene ripped my heart out and threw it on the floor and stomped on it.

Most heartwarming moment: the 100

Clarke is raven’s biggest fan

Raven knows she has to come up with a way to fix the Ark so it can withstand the upcoming nuclear winter, but she doubts her abilities. Clarke gives a speech about how she’s the only one she trusts to get the job done. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)

funniest scene: the 100

shower time with Jasper

Jasper’s singing in the shower, publicly, for all to see. Monty tries to ignore the fact that his BFF is naked while trying to convince him to join the mission. Jasper says no, Monty walks off, and Jasper wants to give him a hug. A naked hug. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)

best buddy moment: Riverdale

Veronica and Betty teaming up

After Veronica is slut shamed and rumors fly around the school about her, Veronica and Betty team up (along with Ethyl and Cheryl) to bring down a group of boys that make a habit of spreading sexual rumors about girls in the school. (Contributed by Traci-Anne Canada)

best plot twist: Scandal

cyrus confesses

We all think Cyrus did it anyway but what is he playing at now? In an emotional twist that I didn’t see coming, Cyrus admits to being involved in the shooting of Frankie Vargas. He’s wearing an orange jumpsuit and hanging out with Tom in the slammer next week. How does this all go Cyrus’ way in the end…because you know it has to or he wouldn’t do it. I’m befuddled, but I don’t think Mellie should pop the cork just yet.

Weirdest moment: the 100

Who’s Riley?!

Ok, so our beautiful babies go to Farm Station to retrieve a water maker (IDEK), but they find it’s been taken over by Azgeda. Not only that, but some of the Farm Station survivors are now slaves. Bellamy rescues them (because of course, he does) and we’re treated to several people (Clarke included) hugging some new guy named Riley. WHO IS RILEY?! (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)

cutest moment: This is us

Rebecca and Jack go back to the apartment

I know, I know…every week. But I can’t deal with these two. After learning that their best friends are getting a divorce, Jack and Rebecca each struggle with the nagging worry about their own marriage. In the end, in true Pearson fashion, Jack leads a blindfolded Rebecca on a mystery date to their very first second story walk-up apartment decorated with imperfect white lights. Jack brought along copies of their wedding vows which reminds them, and us, of how perfect they really are.

Performer of the week: Chicago p.d.

Jesse Lee soffer as Jay Halstead

This week’s episode was arguably the most Jesse Lee Soffer-centric episode “Chicago P.D.” has had. But, Soffer blew me away with flying colors. His character, Detective Jay Halstead, went undercover as a guard at The Brady Center, a treatment center for troubled girls after one of the patients is found dead. Between having to break up a cafeteria fight, wrestle an uncooperative resident, and almost get groped by one of the girls, Halstead got emotionally invested and had to deal with more than enough this week. This entire storyline allowed Soffer to showcase a range of emotions. He proved that he can be a solid supporting actor with just a few scenes here and there as well as a fantastic leading actor that can carry an entire hour-long episode. (Contributed by Bryna Kramer)

That’s it for this week!  Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add!  We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!

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