Happy Birthday Justin Baldoni: 8 Reasons Why He’s So Amazing

It’s January 24th which means a special Happy Birthday is in order for Justin Baldoni!!!
I’m sure you all know this talented, kind-hearted, and handsome fella stars on Jane The Virgin as Rafael Solano. But Justin also does a lot of things besides acting, things which reflect what a great guy he is, one that spreads love and positivity.
Want to know why he’s so darn amazing? Here are eight reasons:
- He’s a family man; the outpouring of love and appreciation he has for his lovely wife, Emily, and two children, Maiya and Maxwell, is simply heart-warming. All of his family-related Instagram posts are beautifully crafted. These are just a few.
HOLD UP! I mean, we can’t forget the most creative proposal we’ve ever seen. The video has more than 11 MILLION VIEWS!
2. His documentary series, called My Last Days, does amazing work by letting people share their stories about terminal illness. They talk about making the best of their lives and how to make a positive impact on the world. He is also the founder of Wayfarer Entertainment, which helps “create disruptively inspirational content to celebrate and elevate the human experience.”
3. Justin also developed a male talk show called Man Enough. The show focuses on discussion aimed at dismantling the stigma of what it means to be “man enough” in our day in age. He’s raising awareness about a very important topic: allowing men to speak up about their experiences, emotions and how they see themselves, something the masculine constraints of society has largely denied them.
4. He gave an amazingly eloquent Ted Talk at last November’s TedWomen Conference in New Orleans. He spoke about his struggles with fitting into society’s expectations of being a man and redefining masculinity.
5. He’s a great friend! Just recently, YouTube sensation Lilly Singh had one of the guest stars for her “12 Collabs of Xmas” special cancel at the last minute. Because he’s such a supporting and caring friend, Justin came to the rescue in a matter of hours and we got The Struggles of Dating Someone TOO Hot. Obviously, friend goals!
6. He does this really cool thing where he gives motivational/inspirational talks at universities. You can read all about his talk at University of California Riverside here.
7. We all love him on Jane The Virgin! (Team Rafael, anyone?) 😉
8. He’s a stuuuud. *insert heart eyes emoji*
If you didn’t love him already, did this list make you fall in love with him?
Happy Birthday again, Justin! Keep being amazing!
1 comment
Great post celebrating Justin. I can’t wait for Jane the Virgin to come back tonight! More Raf time. 🙂