Interview with the Artist of the Week: Corey Hager

Corey Hager is a musician from Ripley, WV. He has done lots of covers and is soon coming out with his first EP! He is fresh and new, and breaking grounds with his new single “Babydoll”. Check out our interview with him below and to see our full featured article with him click here.
What inspired you to start making music?
“My first sight of inspiration was when I realized that I had the opportunity to be a positive person in someone’s life. Also listening to some of my favorite bands, I realized it was something I wanted to give a try.”
Some artists prefer to be unsigned, do you hope to be signed one day?
“I would love to be signed one day. There are perks to both but I would like to take my music as far as possible. Being signed sounds best to me, hopefully one day I get the opportunity.”
Your first EP comes out this summer, what was the recording process like?
“The recording process was great. It was the first time I had ever been in a studio. I traveled from West Virginia to Missouri, a 12 hour drive, and before that I’d never drove half that distance by myself. When I got there, I recorded three tracks with Kevin Gates, he has recorded Never Shout Never, The Ready Set, Cady Groves, etc. We spent one week making the magic happen. It was a very fun and learning experience. I’m glad to see my dreams and visions finally coming together.”
How long have you been working on this EP?
“The EP was long in the making. Before that, I had only home demo recordings for about 2 years. I wrote a couple of the tracks on the EP a year before I recorded them. I just worked the songs, making them better as time progressed, into what they are now.”
What does this EP mean to you?
“This EP means a lot to me. It finally shows who I actually am as a musician and person. I’m glad I can grow and look back on this time and be proud of what I had made.”
If you could describe the EP in one word what would it be?
What was it like to be featured in AP Magazines reccomendations section?
“It was crazy! I have always liked AP and it has been one of my goals from day one to be in that magazine. It was sort of unreal to walk into a bunch of stores and see myself on the shelves. It shows that hard work pays off, and hopefully I can be in there again one day. :)”
Do want to continue to be a solo act or do you hope to form a band some day?
“I actually have been working with a full band. We are a 3 piece now and have done a few shows. It is pretty nice to give people 2 ways to hear the songs. And it’s also the first time I’ve had a band.  A really great feeling.”
How has your family reacted to your choice to pursue music?
“My family has been 100% in. They tell me to follow my dreams. I am the 3rd generation on my fathers side to pursue music, so they are happy to see that I am going for it.”
You released an acoustic version of your single on your YouTube page, what was the fan response to that?
“The response to that video was actually pretty surprising. I have videos on there that have been on for 1 year with half the views. People have always told me they liked this song a lot though. The thing with this EP is all the tracks have variety, some like this and some like that – equally.”
What has been the coolest experience you’ve had since you started playing music?
“The coolest experience I’ve had was being able to open for my favorite band, Never Shout Never. It was a room full of about 600 kids, and I got my taste of fame for one moment. I was taking pictures, signing, and meeting lots of great people. It was the lifestyle I’ve dreamed of having, and the one I’m trying to get.”
If you could play with any band who would it be?
“If I had the chance to play with anyone I would say John Mayer. He is a great musician, he seems like a wise person, and I really love his positive outlook on life.”
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