Movie Review: So B. It

I don’t want to be too spoilery in my review of So B. It because I really think that this is a movie that everyone can and should watch. It’s directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal and is based on the novel of the same name written by Sarah Weeks. So B. It tells the story a young girl named Heidi (Talitha Bateman) who lives with her severely autistic mother (Jessica Collins), and Bernadette (Alfre Woodard) who happens to have agoraphobia. Heidi takes herself on a journey in the hopes of getting some answers about her past and takes us, the audience, along for the enjoyable ride.

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Very rarely do we see mental disabilities portrayed in films, especially when it comes to adults with mental disabilities. So B. It approached them wonderfully. Jessica Collins gives a strong performance that in my opinion is Oscar Worthy, while Talitha Bateman really captured the screen every moment she was on it. She perfectly carried the movie as the main character.

The only fault I found was in the pacing, which was at times a little choppy. This is probably due to the fact that it’s a book adaptation, and it can be difficult for films to capture the essence and timing of a book on film. That being said, with a solid soundtrack and some surprisingly striking cinematography this movie was beautiful and wholehearted.

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