Roundtable Discussion on Once Upon a Time 6×03 “The Other Shoe”


Photo Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand
Photo Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand

For episode three Madeline, Arlene, and I discuss Ella and her untold story, all the amazing Captain Cobra Swan goodness, and what it means now that the Evil Queen and Hyde are working together.

 What were your overall thoughts on the episode? 

Madeline: Um…perfect. That’s the only thought I have. It was like a fanfic come true.

Arlene: Much better than last week’s episode.  It was exciting, and it moved the story along.

Alexis: I loved this episode because I thought it was reminiscent of Season 1 of ONCE where we saw Emma helping people with their different dilemmas, and now the characters are evolved, and Killian is here, so that is always a plus.


We got see Ella again. How did you feel about her being back on ONCE

Madeline: I’m actually glad she’s back! She was one of the first friendships Emma made in Storybrooke, and I hope they get to explore that friendship more.

Arlene: I thought it was great to see the rest of her story play out.  She’s a great character.  I hope she sticks around.

Alexis: Ella/Ashley was probably one of my favorite stories in Storybroke because she was one of those characters who related so much to Emma. She had Emma deliver one of her most famous lines to date. It was great seeing her story again, and I hope this isn’t the last time we see her.


Was it good that we got more of her backstory or was it something you could have done without?

Madeline: I thought it was pretty interesting. Who doesn’t like the story of Cinderella?

Arlene: Personally, I liked it. Her stepmother was nasty!!

Alexis: I’m glad we saw what happened at the ball and the story in between because we didn’t see that before. Plus I’m glad because we got Ella back.




How did you feel about Ella’s stepsister’s untold story?

Madeline: The twist they did on the whole evil stepsister was unique. The thing I love about this show is that they can get away with twisting a fairytale. Nothing is ever as it was when you were a kid watching Disney movies.

Arlene: That was an excellent twist, and I liked it. I liked that it wasn’t stereotypical.

Alexis: I thought that the story was a happy surprise because it let us know that Ella wasn’t alone in her stepmother’s wrath. She was able to help her stepsister get a happy ending.


On a scale from one to heart eyes how adorable was Killian when he was trying to distract Alexandra at Granny’s? 

Madeline: I’m going to be honest here. I teared up a bit because it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Ever. My heart felt so melted after that. At first, he was hesitant, but he was a natural. Did someone say Daddy Hook?! And the way Emma was watching them in awe. Someone has baby fever…but I’m getting ahead.

Arlene: <3 <3 take it up to 11……

Alexis: I swooned so hard when I saw that scene. Killian with children is so magical that I hope we can see little Captain Swan babies in the future. I’m going to go ahead and give it an 11 or 100.


Henry, Killian, and Emma were such a strong team in this episode. Do you think we will get more scenes like this throughout the season? What was your favorite part of their quest?

Madeline: I need more scenes with the Swan-Jones family. I love that Hook is becoming a father figure for Henry. Emma seems to love that too. My favorite part of their quest was the sword-fighting scene. It was just so cute.

Arlene: I think so, especially with Killian moving in. All of it worked for me.

Alexis: The Swan-Jones family are one of the best things on the show, and I hope that we will have more adventures with them together because they make a great team. My favorite part of this episode was seeing all three of them on the abandoned road trying to remember Ella’s stepsister’s name. It was hilarious.


Rumple paid a visit to Belle and their son. What did you think of his mixtape gift?

Madeline: Ha. Only Rumple would make a mixed tape.

Arlene: That was so sweet!  When I saw it, I was like aww, he made her a mix tape!

Alexis: It made me remember how outdated Storybrooke is and then I got suspicious that Rumple might be using it to track Belle because he was standing right next to the Jolly Roger.


Snow and Charming want to get back to normal. Do you think that they can? 

 Madeline: I really hope they can! Is it probable in Storybrooke? Probably not, but I have hope. That scene was so special because you see the strong support of Charming. He respects that Snow wants to teach again, and I just loved that so much.

Arlene: It’s Storybrooke…I don’t think so!!

Alexis: It’s Snow and Charming, so I think they will certainly try, but it will definitely not be an easy task. I’m glad they want to pursue their respective jobs, and I think that is a step in the right direction.


ONCE UPON A TIME - "The Other Shoe" - As Storybrooke continues to welcome the new arrivals from the Land of Untold Stories, families, friends and even long-lost enemies are reunited once again. When Ashley (Cinderella) searches for her step-family, intent on settling their unfinished business, Emma, Hook and Henry scramble to help her before it's too late. Meanwhile, Regina attempts to bribe Mr. Hyde for information about how to defeat the Evil Queen and Snow helps Dr. Jekyll find a suitable laboratory for his work. David makes a deal with Gold and delivers a message to Belle in exchange for new information about his father. In flashback, Cinderella attends a ball and meets her prince on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jack Rowand) COLIN O'DONOGHUE, JENNIFER MORRISON

Emma and Killian are FINALLY moving in together, thoughts, reactions, feelings? 

 Madeline: No amount of words can express the happiness that I felt during that scene. I screamed so much. I bet my dorm neighbors just love me…I fangirled so hard. It’s been a long time coming. And can I just say I loved that Emma was the one to ask? Hook seemed so surprised, which was hilarious. He couldn’t believe it himself. Anyway, I’ll be fangirling over this for a while.

Arlene: About darn time.  And I’m SO GLAD she finally told him.

Alexis: It is one of the many milestones I have been waiting for, and I could not be happier. Everything about that scene was amazing, and I cannot wait for domestic Captain Swan scenes!!

 Guilty pleasure question, favorite Captain Swan moment? 

 Madeline: Oh…this is so hard for me. I really loved the scene after Emma healed Ashley and she ran into Hook’s arm. The way he held her and the way she held onto him made my heart swell. Also, the scene when he held onto her when her magic wouldn’t work. And when he called her ‘My Emma.’ Wait…you said moment singular. Whoops! I loved all the Captain Swan moments.

Arlene: Of course Emma asking Killian to move in and their kiss.

Alexis: Emma asking Killian to move in hands down. I mean all their moments are perfection but I have to say that when Emma let herself live in the present she totally went all in and took that next step that she and Killian have been wanting.


David paid a visit to Gold and got more information about his father and found out he was murdered instead of being killed in an accident. Do you think David is going to go down a path of vengeance so he can uncover the killer? 

 Madeline: Hmm…I can see David having a bit of a bad boy side we just haven’t seen yet. Who knows? It seems like he’s desperate to know.

Arlene: Oh yeah….him not burning the card was a dead giveaway.

Alexis: I think the path will not be easy for David, but I hope he will be able to find some peace after finding out the truth.


It looks like The Evil Queen and Hyde or (Ryde) are teaming up. What could possibly happen when you put these two together?

 Madeline: Madness! Storybrooke should be afraid. Very afraid. I kinda ship it, though…

Arlene: BAD stuff.  Lots of bad stuff.

Alexis: I’m actually digging this duo, but we will see what plans they are going to come up with. If it means taking over Storybrooke, then that means our heroes are in for something big.


Once Upon A Time airs on Sundays at 8/7c on ABC.


You can find us on Twitter:

Arlene: ‪@sleepingkoala45

Madeline: ‪@MeMadeline2

Me: @alexis_nav26

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