Talk Web Series With Us: The Uncanny Upshurs

Interested in web series? AKA short (4-10 min per episode), fun sized series on YouTube that cram as much story into one episode as an hour-long show would. Looking for suggestions? Seek no more. We’re bringing you Talk Web Series With Us, featuring a new web series every week! Sit back, relax, log onto YouTube, and explore the stories web series have to offer!
Next stop: The Uncanny Upshurs
The Uncanny Upshurs is about a set of twins, Agatha and Wally Upshur, using a video blog to communicate. It’s an “urban fantasy vlog series” as Jules Pigott and Ingrid Nixie Greep, the creators, describe it. The series centers around these twins while one moves to America. In the process, unusual things begin to happen and they start to realize, everything is not as it seems.
The creators have seen plenty of web series, most of which take place in one location. They thought it would be interesting to incorporate something new. The main characters communicate via the Internet, vlog-style. They also wanted to embody the LGBTQ+ community, but again, not in a typical way. “We very much wanted to represent LGBTQIA+ people on screen as well, especially in a context that wasn’t specifically about them being not straight or not cisgender.” Pigott and Greep are taking what they’ve previously seen with web series, and giving it new life.
They’re proud of what they’ve accomplished so far, and hope an audience likes it. “We hope that they like it and get engaged in the story and characters. That’s all you can really hope for creating a project like this. We’re just really happy that it exists and is going to be out there for people to see.” They describe the writing process as a game of hot potato, each writing a little bit and tossing it back to the other. And ultimately, they’re collaboration paid off. “We really wanted to touch on themes of separation and self-identity, and to test the characters we created to see how they would react when put in extreme situations.”
Roxie Justice plays Agatha, while B Mast plays Wally. They’ll have some familiar faces as well- Jennifer Catania (Notes by Christine, The Blair Goddess Project, The Adventures of Jamie Watson) and Alice Hale (Northbound).
There will be 30 episodes, which will come out bi-weekly, Mondays and Thursdays. The trailer has yet to be released, but a prolog introduces you to the characters and the story:
If you can, they’re crowdfunding to help them keep creating. And look out for their trailer on Twitter!