Comic Review: DAYDREAMER & TEN:01

I was recently at Onyx Con 2017 here in Atlanta. This convention showcases independent comic writers and artists, whose work features African-American characters. I picked up two issues of Nicholas Hoo’s comic book DAYDREAMER.
DAYDREAMER #0 Promises adroitly sets up a world of despair and intrigue, while leaving the reader to ponder exactly what kind of disarray the world has fallen into. The story itself might be reminiscent of many “end of the world” titles, however the artwork is wholly original and gives life to Hoo’s story.
We see Bailes, leader of the Scavengers, protect a pregnant woman and her toddler daughter from being ripped apart by, what looks like, the clichéd leader of a dystopian junkyard. Bailes hands the little girl a stuffed lamb that we see destroyed three years later, begging the question: what happens next?
I’ll keep my eye on it for you.
Unlike Promises, DAYDREAMER #1 Project A.R.K.S. is aimed at grade school children in the hopes of inspiring their focus toward STEM classes. Stem consists of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The comic mixes great art with an “edutainment” story style.
Ava, a blind girl, recruits Animus, the protagonist, into the ARKS (Accessing Resources 4 Kids in STEM) program. Animus is tasked with stopping a horde of stampeding elephants. Though he agrees to help save the city, he is not yet ready to join Ava and the other STEM agents in their fight. The comic shows a lot of potential, but if you’re over eighteen, this comic isn’t for you.
I’m not sure how the two issues relate to each other; I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
The next comic I picked up was TEN:01 (Ten-one) Book Zero, the first in Adam McCullar’s series about a brother and sister duo who thwart bad guys. McCullar’s story comes to life through the artwork of NorViance Henry. The series mixes time travel and multidimensional beings against the backdrop of the 1970s.
This comic features the first part of Malik and Celeste’s origin story. Though it is hinted that the siblings current career path is one of violence, they long for a life of peace, or at least a paradise getaway. Neither wish is granted in this issue and the bloody cliffhanger leads me to believe it will be a long time before either of them gets a break.
Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Check out this video of Nicholas and Adam talking about their comics: